Seeking guidance for bringing up rough sex. Following guidelines for healthy intimacy.

Safety is non-negotiable.

July 5th 2024.

Seeking guidance for bringing up rough sex. Following guidelines for healthy intimacy.
When it comes to sex, I have learned to be comfortable with my likes and dislikes. I've had the opportunity to explore different experiences, which has helped me figure out what turns me on and what doesn't. I consider myself lucky to have had the confidence to try new things and learn more about my sexuality.

However, I will admit that there have been times when I felt hesitant to speak up about my preferences. One instance that stands out is when a lover, who was older and more experienced than me, suggested we try a very niche fantasy of his. I didn't want to ruin his experience, so I hesitated to tell him that it wasn't for me. But thankfully, he noticed my body language and facial expression and asked if I wanted to continue. I declined, and he respected my boundaries. This experience taught me that it's important to have respect for my own comfort and boundaries in any sexual encounter.

It also reinforced the importance of consent in any sexual activity, especially during rough or dirty sex. It's essential to pay attention to both spoken and unspoken cues from your partner to ensure that everyone is comfortable and enthusiastic.

But it's not just about speaking up for yourself – it's also about listening to and respecting your partner's boundaries. One of my exes had very limited sexual experience, which made it challenging for us to explore rough sex. I suggested trying some rougher elements, but he hesitated because he was afraid of doing it wrong or hurting me. We worked through it together, taking things step by step, and eventually found a good compromise where we both felt comfortable.

When it comes to trying new things in the bedroom, it's crucial to do your research and communicate openly with your partner. This is especially important when trying something on the more extreme end of the spectrum. Safety should always be a top priority, and both partners should feel responsible for each other's wellbeing.

In my experience, there can be a stigma around women enjoying rough or dirty sex. Some men struggle to understand why a woman would want to be treated in such a way, even if she is a "lovely, clever, and beautiful" person. But let me be clear – women do not have to fit a certain mold in the bedroom to be considered "worthy." Our sexual preferences do not define our worth as individuals.

I understand that societal expectations and stereotypes can play a role in how we view sex, but it's important to remember that what happens in the bedroom is not a reflection of who we are as people. Enjoying rough or dirty sex does not make someone a "slut," and we should not have to hide our desires to fit into societal norms.

My advice for anyone looking to spice up their sex life is to take things slow and communicate openly with your partner. Share your likes and dislikes and be open to trying new things. And if all else fails, think of it like picking ice cream flavors – there are endless possibilities, and it's all about finding what makes you feel good and having fun.

So, don't be afraid to lick the spoon and explore your sexuality. And if you have a story to share, I would love to hear it. Let's break the stigma and have open and honest conversations about sex.

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