Security officer hit by arrow at Israeli Embassy in attack believed to be terrorist related.

The incident has been labeled as a terrorist act.

June 29th 2024.

Security officer hit by arrow at Israeli Embassy in attack believed to be terrorist related.
In the bustling capital city of Belgrade, the Israeli Embassy was the site of a terrifying incident this morning. A man, armed with a loaded crossbow, launched an attack on the embassy in what authorities are calling an "act of terrorism". The assailant fired a bolt at the military force officers who were stationed outside the building, hitting one of them in the neck.

According to local media reports, the attacker had approached the police station multiple times prior to the attack, asking a question before suddenly unleashing his weapon. In response, one of the officers fired back, fatally injuring the assailant. Despite the seriousness of his wounds, the attacker remained conscious until paramedics arrived at the scene.

The interior minister, Ivica Dacic, has since declared this incident as a terrorist attack, the first of its kind in over a decade. In a statement, Dacic mentioned that the attacker was believed to be associated with the Wahhabi movement, a reformist branch of Sunni Islam. However, this claim has yet to be confirmed and the identity and motives of the attacker are still under investigation.

Dacic also clarified that the officer who fired back was acting in self-defense, and that the shot he fired ultimately led to the attacker's death. The injured officer was promptly taken to the main emergency hospital in Belgrade, where he is currently undergoing surgery to remove the bolt from his neck. Dacic assured the public that all aspects of the attack are being thoroughly investigated.

A spokesperson from the Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs stated that there was indeed an attempted terrorist attack near the Israeli embassy in Belgrade today. They also confirmed that the embassy is currently closed and that none of its employees were injured in the incident.

In light of the ongoing conflict in Gaza, Serbia has maintained a strong relationship with Israel. However, this incident has raised concerns and sparked further investigation into the possible motives behind the attack. As this is a developing news story, more updates are expected to follow. Stay tuned for the latest developments by following The Agency on Twitter and Facebook, or sign up for daily push alerts to receive articles directly to your device.

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