School holiday weather in London expected to reach up to 27°C.

UK's recent weather has been mostly rainy and cloudy, but warmer temperatures are finally here.

July 21st 2024.

School holiday weather in London expected to reach up to 27°C.
This past Friday marked the hottest day of the year so far, but as we head into the weekend, the skies have become a bit overcast. It seems that parts of the country will be experiencing a sudden heatwave, just as the kids are getting ready for their summer break. However, despite Friday's scorching temperatures, Saturday brought in some clouds and cooler temperatures. For many, this has been a reminder of the unusually rainy July we've been having.

Thankfully, weather forecasters are predicting a change in the coming days. After the skies clear up tomorrow morning, we can expect some brighter and drier weather across the UK for the rest of the week. Temperatures will likely stay around the low 20s, which is typical for this time of year. But as the week progresses, some areas in the south may see temperatures reach as high as 26-27°C.

While there may be some early spells of rain in the north and west, the rest of the country can look forward to warmer and sunnier days. Craig Snell, a meteorologist at the Met Office, assures us that most of the country will be seeing dry and bright spells tomorrow afternoon. However, there is some rain expected to move in from the west on Monday, affecting areas in the north of England, Scotland, and Northern Ireland. The good news is that the south should largely be spared from this wet weather.

It's safe to say that the past few weeks have felt like the wettest July we've had in a while. But as we move into Tuesday and Wednesday, things are expected to settle down and temperatures will continue to climb. There may be a brief spell of rain in some areas on Thursday, but overall, calmer and warmer weather will prevail through Friday and into the weekend. Snell also mentions that while it won't be as hot as it has been recently, it will still be warmer than the beginning of July.

In terms of specific regions, the southeast and south will likely experience the warmest temperatures next week. So get ready to soak up some sunshine and enjoy the summer weather!

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