Saying goodbye to winter with a burst of warm temperatures.

Mercury set to rise for weekend, bringing spring-like weather to cities.

August 19th 2024.

Saying goodbye to winter with a burst of warm temperatures.
Exciting news for Australia as a blast of warm weather is set to hit central and northern regions, potentially breaking winter heat records. This heatwave will then make its way to the southeastern capital cities, providing some much-needed warmth to the region.

The cause of this warm weather is a strong high-pressure system that has settled over the heart of the continent. This has created clear skies, allowing the heat to build up in the interior of the country. As a result, temperatures are expected to soar over central and northern Australia this weekend, which also happens to be the last full weekend of winter.

Meteorologists are predicting that Alice Springs will reach a scorching 35 degrees on both Friday and Saturday. There is even a possibility that the town's current winter record temperature of 35.2 degrees could be broken. In neighboring South Australia, Coober Pedy is also set to experience high temperatures, with 33 degrees forecast for Friday, 34 degrees for Saturday, and 33 degrees again on Sunday. This could potentially break the town's current winter record of 34.3 degrees.

Further north in Oodnadatta, which holds the record for Australia's equal-highest temperature ever recorded at a sweltering 50.7 degrees, temperatures are expected to reach 36 degrees on both Friday and Saturday. This would also break both the town's and the state's winter records of 36.5 degrees.

But it's not just the central and northern regions that will feel the heat. Southeastern capitals can also look forward to some spring-like temperatures starting on Sunday as the warm air moves away from central Australia. Sydney is expected to reach a maximum of 25 degrees, while Adelaide and Melbourne will see temperatures of 24 and 23 degrees respectively. Even the cooler cities of Canberra and Hobart can expect highs of 21 and 19 degrees.

While this warm weather may not break any records in the southeastern regions, it will still be a welcome change from the colder temperatures they have been experiencing. This is due to a relatively weak cold front that will be passing through the south-east corner of the continent. But even with this influence, it will still feel more like spring than winter. So get ready to pack away those winter clothes and enjoy the warmth while it lasts!

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