Saying goodbye to the smoking area, where meaningful conversations and connections were made.

Three individuals reflect on their experiences of a fading era.

September 7th 2024.

Saying goodbye to the smoking area, where meaningful conversations and connections were made.
Olivia's life changed when she went on a night out in November 2023. She had been to an art gallery with a friend in London and after dinner, they decided to head over to Soho House on Greek Street. It was there, in the smoking area, that she met Jake Abdinoor, a tall, dark, and handsome man.

Despite not being a smoker, Jake was leaning against a pole in the smoking area. Olivia, fueled by a few glasses of wine and feeling single, decided to approach him and ask for a lighter. From there, they ended up chatting all night.

As the evening came to an end and the lights came on, Olivia realized that she had accidentally dropped her belongings, including her headphones. Jake, being the gentleman that he is, insisted on helping her find them, even getting on his hands and knees to search. This small act of kindness cemented him as a semi-hero in Olivia's eyes, and he even called her the next day to ask her on a date.

Since then, Olivia and Jake have been together and have recently moved in together. When Olivia's lease was up, Jake offered to let her stay with him while she looked for a new place. After several failed attempts at finding a new flat, they decided to find their own place together.

The smoking area, where their love story began, holds a special place in Olivia's heart. As someone who often feels overwhelmed by loud spaces, the smoking area serves as a refuge for her. It's also a great spot to meet new people, as asking for a lighter is a great conversation starter. However, this may soon change as the government is considering tougher laws on outdoor smoking to protect the NHS from preventable deaths.

But Olivia and Jake are not the only ones who have had life-altering experiences in a smoking area. Tom Bourlet quit his job and went traveling after connecting with some strangers in a smoking area. He was unhappy with his job and after a particularly stressful Friday evening, he ended up chatting with a group of smokers about travel. This conversation led to him booking a one-way flight to Peru and quitting his job the next day. Years later, he still remembers this as the moment that changed his life.

For others, the smoking area has created smaller, yet still significant, memories. Milly Oaten had been wearing the wrong bra size for years until a chance encounter with a lingerie company employee in the smoking area. They had struck up a conversation about their careers and the employee offered to give them both a free bra fitting. Milly has been wearing the correct bra size ever since.

For Milly, the smoking area is where most of the fun happens on a night out. It's a place to interact with others and find a sense of community in the chaos of a club. If smoking areas were to disappear, she hopes that a similar space for people to connect and chat would still exist.

The smoking area, while often associated with smoking, holds a special place in the hearts of many. It's a place where strangers can strike up a conversation and potentially change the course of their lives. Whether it's a chance encounter with a potential love interest or a friendly chat about bra sizes, the smoking area has proven to be a memorable and significant spot for many.

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