Sainbury's mistakenly offers free items due to a voucher glitch, causing chaos among shoppers.

System error allowed multiple voucher scans at checkouts.

July 25th 2024.

Sainbury's mistakenly offers free items due to a voucher glitch, causing chaos among shoppers.
Recently, there was quite a frenzy at Sainsbury's as customers took advantage of a voucher glitch that allowed them to get their entire shopping done for free. It all started when the Sainsbury's app released a coupon on Monday, prompting customers to quickly flock to the store to take advantage of the discounted food. However, a glitch in the system allowed the customers to scan the voucher multiple times at the self-checkout, until the total amount owed reached a grand total of £0.

As word spread, some shoppers took full advantage of the situation and loaded their trollies with luxury goods. One video even showed a man stockpiling essentials such as toilet paper. At a Sainsbury's store in Gants Hill, things got heated when an argument broke out between two shoppers and staff who denied their use of the voucher. The customers repeatedly scanned the voucher, causing the total amount owed to decrease each time. Despite the staff's insistence that the code had been cancelled, the customer argued that the voucher was still on the system and therefore, it was allowed to be used.

The situation was similar at the White Rose Shopping Centre in Leeds, where another video showed a long line of trollies filled to the brim with groceries. A woman can be heard saying, "This is ridiculous, look at this. This is why it stopped. Look at this, they don't buy so much in real life." The filmer continued to move down the line, revealing more trollies piled high with goods. It is unclear whether these trollies were seized before or after the glitch was discovered.

The footage was captioned, "A glitched Sainsbury's coupon was released on the app yesterday where it allowed customers to get all their items for free. Those who found it before Sainsbury's did made sure to take the p***." A spokesperson for Sainsbury's addressed the issue, stating that there has been an increase in fraudulent coupons in their stores and they have measures in place to detect and block them. They also have in-store detectives monitoring for any suspicious activity and are working closely with the police on this matter. However, they continue to accept genuine coupons and vouchers.

In the end, it seems that some customers were able to take advantage of the glitch before it was discovered by Sainsbury's. While it may have been frustrating for those who missed out, it serves as a reminder to always be cautious and ethical when it comes to using coupons and vouchers.

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