Sagittarius season has lots of exciting surprises in store - check out what's coming for you!

Cancer & Capricorn: get ready for some exciting times!

November 18th 2023.

Sagittarius season has lots of exciting surprises in store - check out what's coming for you!
Sagittarius season, which starts on the November 22, is an exciting time of exploration, adventure, and freedom. As the zodiac's archer, Sagittarius is all about good fortune, luck, charisma, honesty, spontaneity, and vitality.

This is a time to get out there and choose your own adventure. Take a chance and roll the dice. Fortune favours the bold. Sagittarians love to travel, socialise, and broaden their horizons, so this is an expansive time of year.

The tarot can provide insight into what the season may bring for each sign. For Aries, the Two of Wands asks to focus on one thing among a collection of travel, education, creativity, and lifestyle that inspires them right now. For Taurus, the Two of Coins encourages to get busy and revitalise their health, work, home, social life, and leisure time. The Lovers card for Gemini suggests focusing on a passionate adventure that plays to a big interest or passion. The World card for Cancer suggests acknowledging a dream and putting the wheels in motion, while the Seven of Swords card for Leo encourages diversifying their relationships. The Emperor card for Virgo advises to go on an adventure to find self-belief and empowerment that lets them pursue their true desires.

Take advantage of this season to explore and discover. With the tarot as your guide, you can find out what’s in store and make the most of it.
The season of Sagittarius is associated with exploration in all forms. Starting on November 22, it brings with it all the good vibes and energy of the sign, such as honesty, charisma, spontaneity, and vitality. The zodiac's archer encourages people to take chances and explore new horizons. Sagittarians love to travel, make friends, and broaden their horizons.

This season is a great time to take risks and choose your own adventure. To get a clue about what’s in store for you, you can look to the tarot. For example, Aries is asked to focus on the thing they want to change and maintain their focus. The tarot card for Aries for this season is the Two of Wands, which symbolizes travel, education, creativity, and lifestyle. The message is to focus on one thing to have great results.

Taurus is encouraged to welcome a large group of newcomers into their realm, be it people, places, or activities. The tarot card for Taurus is the Two of Coins, which symbolizes health and wellbeing. You’re asked to try new things and revitalize your life.

Gemini is asked to focus on themselves this season. The Lovers card is a reminder to explore their passions and create a list of heartfelt big schemes that they can start planning.

Cancer is ready for a big adventure, as suggested by the World card. This could mean a move or change of location. Leo is asked to diversify their circle of relationships and seek out people who make them feel supported, inspired, and understood.

Finally, Virgo is encouraged to go on an adventure about self empowerment. The Emperor card suggests that they prioritize themselves by taking steps to put themselves first.

No matter what sign you are, Sagittarius season is an excellent time to explore and take risks. Use the tarot to get a clue about what’s in store for you and make the most of this expansive period!

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