Sadiq Khan has expressed his support of a menopause leave scheme, claiming it will help to prevent women from feeling they must suffer in silence.

It was first unveiled on International Women's Day in 2020.

March 6th 2023.

Sadiq Khan has expressed his support of a menopause leave scheme, claiming it will help to prevent women from feeling they must suffer in silence.

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Mayor Sadiq Khan instituted a menopause leave policy in 2022 to tackle one of the 'last workplace taboos'. One year later, the scheme has been deemed 'groundbreaking' as it provides City Hall employees with the support and understanding they need when experiencing menopause-related symptoms. In addition, he has suggested that managers should be aware of the menopause and work with staff to make necessary adjustments. Some people even believe the menopause should be a protected characteristic.

In 2022, Sadiq Khan, the mayor of London, launched a groundbreaking menopause leave policy to address one of the 'last workplace taboos'. This policy permits employees to take time off related to menopause-related issues if needed. The goal of the scheme is to ensure that anyone with menopausal symptoms receives the same support and understanding as they would with any other health issue. One year later, Mr Khan commented on the positive effects the scheme has had on City Hall staff. He noted how the policy has enabled individuals to no longer suffer in silence. Furthermore, he suggested that managers should be better informed on the menopause and work with employees to make adjustments.

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The scheme has opened up a conversation about the need for menopause to be a protected characteristic.

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