SA property raided, weapons confiscated: rifle, crossbow, and bomb.

Police found and confiscated a small quantity of marijuana.

May 13th 2024.

SA property raided, weapons confiscated: rifle, crossbow, and bomb.
Last week, a man in South Australia found himself in hot water after police discovered a large collection of weapons and ammunition at his property. This discovery was made after authorities conducted a search at the man's home in Yorketown on May 9 at around 2:20pm. The police were led to the premises following a report made by concerned individuals.

During the search, police uncovered over 4000 rounds of ammunition, a semi-automatic rifle, a crossbow, and even an inert explosive. It was a concerning find, to say the least. In addition to these dangerous items, police also stumbled upon a small amount of cannabis. This led to the man, who is 50 years old and a local resident, being reported for multiple offenses.

Specifically, the man faces charges for possession of an insecure, unregistered, and unlicensed C Class firearm, as well as a prohibited item and insecure ammunition. To make matters worse, he was also issued a cannabis expiation notice. The consequences of his actions are definitely catching up to him.

As for the man's fate, he will be required to appear in court at a later date. It's safe to say that he will have some explaining to do, and the consequences of his actions will likely be significant. In the meantime, authorities are reminding the public to be mindful of the dangers posed by illegal weapons and the importance of following proper procedures for obtaining and storing firearms. Let's all work together to prevent such incidents from happening in the future.

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