Ryan on Coronation Street uncovers unsettling truth about Daisy, leading to her downfall.

He becomes anxious.

August 25th 2024.

Ryan on Coronation Street uncovers unsettling truth about Daisy, leading to her downfall.
Ryan's mind was filled with worry as he watched Daisy Midgeley and Ryan Connor rekindle their relationship upon his return to Coronation Street from Scotland. The possibility of a future together seemed to be in the cards for the two of them. However, their journey to this point was not without its complications.

Daisy had previously been engaged to Daniel Osbourne, but their engagement was plagued by the twisted and dangerous Justin Rutherford who had been stalking her relentlessly. His behavior reached a horrifying climax when he attacked Daisy with acid, with Ryan present and ultimately taking the brunt of the attack as he tried to defend her. This traumatic event brought Daisy and Ryan closer together as they shared a mutual understanding of what the other had endured. Eventually, their mutual attraction blossomed into a passionate romance. Sadly, this affair caused Daniel much heartache and ultimately led to the breakdown of his relationship with Daisy.

Meanwhile, Ryan had attempted to move on with his girlfriend Crystal and start a new life in Scotland. However, fate had other plans and he found himself back in Coronation Street, rekindling his romance with Daisy. Despite their love for each other, their relationship had recently faced some challenges. With the arrival of police officer Kit Green at the Rovers, Daisy found herself on the receiving end of his flirtatious behavior. However, it was Ryan who found himself drawn to Kit, not in a romantic sense, but because of his impressive vinyl collection. As a superstar DJ, Ryan couldn't resist the temptation and even canceled a date with Daisy to spend time with Kit. However, he soon realized his mistake and made it up to Daisy.

But, it seems that their relationship may not be as solid as it appears. In upcoming episodes, Kit makes the decision to leave the Rovers and move to Redbank. Jenny speculates that the flat he has his eye on is the same one that Daisy and Daniel had planned to buy as their newlywed home. Ryan couldn't help but notice Daisy's strange reaction to this news. Is she still not over Daniel? And if so, what does that mean for her relationship with Ryan? These questions weigh heavily on Ryan's mind as he tries to navigate his feelings for Daisy and the uncertainty of their future together.

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