Russian TV channel stages fake nuclear attack on London to support Putin.

A warning was issued in the video about the danger of nuclear weapons to our future.

September 23rd 2024.

Russian TV channel stages fake nuclear attack on London to support Putin.
On the horizon, Russian television recently aired a chilling simulation of a nuclear strike on central London, resulting in over 850,000 deaths. The four-minute video was intended to dissuade Britain from allowing Ukraine to use Storm Shadow missiles against targets in Russia. This is a new level of warning from the Russian government, who has previously threatened to use nuclear weapons.

The video, shared on Tsargrad's Telegram channel, begins with a haunting message: "Imagine the unimaginable. A nuclear weapon detonates over London." The simulation then delves into the catastrophic consequences of such an event. With a warhead containing 750 kilotons of power, the blast would create a fireball as hot as the sun, with a radius of 950 meters. The narrator explains that anything caught within this fireball would be instantly vaporized. In this simulation, the epicenter of the explosion is located in Westminster.

The video goes on to reveal that the initial death toll could exceed 250,000 people, with an additional 600,000 injured within a 6-mile radius. The destruction would be most severe in areas like Camden Town, Kensington, and Brixton. The narrator explains that those within close proximity of the epicenter would not even feel the blast, as the nerve impulse transmission speed is slower. However, the shockwave and fireball would cause significant damage to surrounding areas, including Camden, Greenwich, Islington, and Wandsworth.

According to the simulation, the devastation would not end there. The video predicts that a further 450,000 people would die from burns, debris, injuries, or radiation sickness. Over a million more would be traumatized by the event. The aftermath would see explosive facilities exploding and amplifying the destruction, while fires would rage on, consuming anything that can burn. This would include petrol stations, automobiles, power substations, and gas infrastructure.

The video also highlights the fact that London is not equipped to handle such a disaster. Eleven out of the city's twenty hospitals would be within the blast radius, leaving the city in a state of chaos and desperation. The shockwave would reach even further, affecting areas like Hounslow, Edgware, Enfield, and potentially even Essex and Surrey. If the explosion were to occur on the ground, the radioactive fallout could spread even further, reaching cities like Manchester.

The video ends with a grim warning that nuclear weapons are a grave threat to our future. It emphasizes that the destruction caused by such an attack would be unimaginable and that London, a bustling and vibrant city, is not prepared to survive a nuclear disaster. This simulation was first published three months ago but has only recently gained attention after being highlighted by a pro-Putin propaganda channel. It serves as a stark reminder of the potential consequences of escalating tensions between countries and the devastating impact of nuclear weapons.

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