Russian fighter jet attacked another US drone over Syria in a 24 hour period.

Tensions rise as two world powers face off.

July 27th 2023.

Russian fighter jet attacked another US drone over Syria in a 24 hour period.
The US Air Force recently shared a disturbing video of a Russian fighter jet 'striking' a US drone over Syria. The footage showed the aircraft flying meters away from the MQ-9 Reaper, flaring at it and reportedly damaging it. This is the sixth reported incident of the same kind this month.

The White House has responded by confirming the attack and stating that Russian war jets have been dangerously close to both manned and unmanned American aircrafts, putting their crews at risk. They also clarified that no further details have been revealed about the incident and their plans to respond to Russia's aggression.

Karine Jean-Pierre, the White House press secretary, discussed the incident at length and revealed that the Russian fighter aircraft flew dangerously close to US drones during a routine mission, violating international norms.

Just hours prior to this, another Russian fighter jet was reported to have fired flares at a US drone over Syria. Rear Admiral Oleg Gurinov offered a different explanation, claiming that the drone flew dangerously close to Russian warplanes in the sky and that the onboard systems of the Russian Su-34 and Su-35 aircrafts triggered the automatic release of flares.

He accused the US of disinforming the public about the unlawful flights of their drones in Syrian airspace and alleged that the Russian side was being falsely accused of dangerous maneuvering.

This recent incident has only increased the tension between the US and Russia and the international community is now waiting to find out how the White House will respond to this aggression.

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