Russia ends notification to US of its nuclear missile launches.

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March 29th 2023.

Russia ends notification to US of its nuclear missile launches.

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On Wednesday, Russian deputy foreign minister Sergei Ryabkov revealed that Russia will not be providing notifications of its ballistic missile tests to the US anymore

Ryabkov declared that ‘There will be no notifications at all’ with regards to activities under the treaty. This announcement comes as Russia has started another round of missile drills on Wednesday, involving Yars mobile missile launchers traversing three regions of Siberia and maneuvers to conceal the activity from foreign intelligence assets.

The 2010 New START treaty limited the nations to up to 1,500 deployed nuclear warheads and 700 deployed missiles and bombers, and it also called for inspections to ensure compliance. Putin's suspension of the treaty late last month meant that Moscow would no longer allow US inspections of its nuclear sites.

Russia still remains within the nuclear arms cap figures and is not completely withdrawing from the treaty.

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