Ronnie O'Sullivan credits criticism of Hossein Vafaei for fueling his win in their World Snooker Championship grudge match.

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April 22nd 2023.

Ronnie O'Sullivan credits criticism of Hossein Vafaei for fueling his win in their World Snooker Championship grudge match.

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Ronnie O'Sullivan used Hossein Vafaei's criticism as a source of motivation to win their second round grudge match at the World Snooker Championship in an emphatic 13-2 victory. After the match, they embraced and O'Sullivan acknowledged Vafaei's ability, saying that he can definitely win the tournament. O'Sullivan was motivated to prove that he was still capable of playing the game despite any doubts, and was pleased with his performance. He also said that it wasn't personal when it came to this game and that it's about mastering it. This was evident in their embrace after the match, showing that any bad blood between them was gone.

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After some heated words between Ronnie O'Sullivan and Hossein Vafaei prior to their World Snooker Championship clash, the match turned out to be one of the most one-sided games in history with O'Sullivan emerging victorious 13-2. However, despite the bad blood that had previously existed between the two players, O'Sullivan embraced Vafaei after a century break sealed the win, and they even walked out arm in arm. O'Sullivan revealed that Vafaei's comments had actually provided added motivation to perform, and he was pleased with how he played. He praised Vafaei for his win against Ding Junhui in the first round, adding that the young player had the potential to win the tournament. It was a positive ending to a match that began with tension, and one that highlighted the sportsmanship of two of snooker's top stars.

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