Robertson notes that studying Judd Trump has altered the key to being successful in snooker.

Judd excels at that more than anyone else.

September 19th 2024.

Robertson notes that studying Judd Trump has altered the key to being successful in snooker.
Neil Robertson has been working hard to regain his top form in snooker. He has always been known for his powerful scoring skills, and his impressive record of 948 centuries is a testament to that. However, the Australian player now believes that the tactical aspect of the game is what truly sets apart the best players. He points to world number one Judd Trump as a prime example of this.

Last season was a difficult one for Robertson, as he dropped out of the top 16 and failed to qualify for the World Championship. But rather than dwell on the past, he has used this setback as motivation to improve his game. He has identified his weaknesses and has been working hard to address them. As a result, he is feeling confident and positive about his current form.

In a recent match against Shaun Murphy at the English Open, Robertson's focus on his safety play paid off. He emerged victorious with a 4-1 win, and he attributes this success to his renewed focus on his tactical skills. In an interview with Eurosport, he explained, "I'm really concentrating on improving my safety play this season because I know I have the ability to be a great safety player when I want to be."

According to Robertson, safety play is now the most important aspect of the game. He acknowledges that there was a time when long-potting and break-building were considered crucial, but with the emergence of skilled Chinese players, the ability to play safe has become essential. He believes that Judd Trump, although not typically associated with safety play, has been using it to his advantage in his recent success on the circuit.

Despite his impressive record of five tournament wins last season and two already this year, Robertson has noticed that Trump often relies on his safety game to get through matches. "You can check someone's break chart and he's won a match with just two breaks over 50," Robertson observed. "Judd can play unbelievable snooker, but the thing I noticed is that he's getting through matches with great safety play, and then when the conditions allow for it, he plays really well."

Robertson's own win over Murphy at the English Open has given him a boost of confidence. He is now the heavy favorite in his upcoming match against Ross Muir. After defeating Murphy, he commented, "I think that's one of my best performances in a long time." He also noted that his overall game has improved, thanks to his dedication and hard work in practice. "I've fixed a couple of things, and I'm actually better than before my dip in form," he added.

In hindsight, Robertson sees last season's struggles as a blessing in disguise. It forced him to reevaluate his game and make necessary improvements. "When you have a season like I had last year, you really need to look at everything," he reflected. "And I found a couple of things that needed fixing. In a way, it wasn't a great season, but it could end up being one of the best things that could happen to me." With his renewed focus and determination, Robertson is confident that he will continue to climb up the rankings and achieve even greater success in the future.

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