Rittenhouse changes stance on not supporting Trump after receiving backlash.

Kyle Rittenhouse doubted Trump's support for gun rights for 12 hours.

August 7th 2024.

Rittenhouse changes stance on not supporting Trump after receiving backlash.
Recently, there has been a lot of talk about Kyle Rittenhouse, the young man who was acquitted of murder charges after fatally shooting two people at a Black Lives Matter protest in Kenosha, Wisconsin. Many people, including former President Donald Trump and the Republican Party, have shown support for Rittenhouse. However, it seems that Rittenhouse himself has now broken ties with Trump over what he perceives as a lack of support for gun rights.

According to Rolling Stone, Rittenhouse has been vocal about his disappointment with Trump's stance on gun rights, despite previously sharing some of Trump's controversial views. In fact, Rittenhouse even tweeted that he would be voting for 88-year-old Libertarian Ron Paul instead of Trump. This has caused quite a stir, with some finding it both amusing and sad.

The situation escalated when Rittenhouse's decision to not support Trump was met with criticism from the MAGA community. Some even went as far as creating conspiracy theories, suggesting that Rittenhouse was a trans woman and a crisis actor. This kind of bullying and misinformation has become all too common on social media, and it's disheartening to see it directed towards someone like Rittenhouse.

The backlash against Rittenhouse was so intense that even some of his scheduled appearances were canceled. Comedian Chad Prather, who was supposed to host Rittenhouse at an event, announced that he would no longer be attending due to Rittenhouse's decision. It's clear that Rittenhouse's stance has caused quite a divide within the Trump-supporting community.

In a video, Rittenhouse explained that his main issue with Trump was his stance on the Second Amendment. He felt that Trump's advisors were not giving him good advice on this topic, and he could not support a candidate who was not fully committed to protecting gun rights. Rittenhouse firmly stood by his decision and encouraged others to do the same.

This did not sit well with the MAGA crowd, who continued to attack Rittenhouse online. However, after some conversations with Trump's team, Rittenhouse seemed to have a change of heart. He backpedaled on his previous statements and expressed his full support for Trump, claiming that his previous comments were "ill-informed and unproductive." It's unclear if this will be enough for the MAGA mob to accept him back into their ranks.

It's unfortunate to see how quickly people turned against Rittenhouse for simply voicing his opinion. Instead of engaging in productive discussions, the MAGA community resorted to bullying and spreading misinformation. As one commenter put it, Rittenhouse "stands for absolutely nothing and has zero backbone." It's a sad reality that this is the kind of response someone can expect when they speak out against certain ideologies.

Despite the backlash, it seems that Rittenhouse has now fully aligned himself with Trump's campaign. The organization he claimed to be the outreach director for has even made a post endorsing Trump and urging others to do the same. It's clear that the Trump campaign is desperate to secure every vote they can, even if it means convincing someone like Rittenhouse to change their mind.

In the end, it's important to remember that everyone has the right to their own opinions and beliefs. It's not productive or fair to attack someone for voicing their thoughts, especially when they are standing up for what they believe in. Let's hope that in the future, we can have respectful and meaningful discussions, rather than resorting to hate and hostility.

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