Risky trend may cause painful erections and harm to the penis.

Don't attempt this in your own house.

February 6th 2024.

Risky trend may cause painful erections and harm to the penis.
Jelqing, a method of exercising to increase penis length, has gained popularity thanks to social media. But before you try it, know that it can be dangerous. Society's obsession with a large penis can lead to harmful habits like jelqing. This practice involves stretching the penis with your hands or weighted devices, and while it may sound painful, it hasn't stopped it from becoming a dangerous trend on platforms like TikTok.

In fact, videos promoting jelqing have received millions of views, despite there being no scientific evidence that it actually works. On the contrary, it can cause damage and painful erections. Dr. Danae Maragouthakis, from Yoxly, a sexual health start-up, has debunked the myth that jelqing can increase penis size. She explains that aggressively stretching the penis can lead to micro-tears and damage, which will not result in a bigger penis as some may believe.

Dr. Maragouthakis adds that while there are certain exercises or devices that claim to increase penis size, none of them have been scientifically proven to work. In fact, for healthy individuals, these methods should not be attempted. The only exception would be for those suffering from conditions like Peyronie's disease, which causes the penis to become curved when erect.

Speaking of Peyronie's disease, it is important to note that its cause is still unknown. However, it is believed to sometimes occur after an injury to the erect penis, such as during sexual activity. Symptoms may include a hard lump or thickened area in the shaft of the penis, a curved penis when erect, pain during erections, and a misshapen appearance. In severe cases, it can make sex difficult or even impossible, and may also lead to erectile dysfunction.

While there are treatments available for Peyronie's disease, such as vacuum or traction devices and medication, it is not recommended to try jelqing as a method of self-treatment. In fact, experts have noticed a rise in post-pandemic penis enhancement surgeries, possibly linked to increased porn consumption and work from home policies. This highlights the importance of self-love and acceptance, rather than trying to conform to societal pressures.

Additionally, jelqing is not a new practice; it has been around for centuries. However, it seems to be increasing in popularity amongst men, particularly young white men. This is concerning, as experts have seen cases of men experiencing bruising, pain, and damage to their penises from trying jelqing. It may also increase the risk of developing Peyronie's disease in the future, leading to more genital insecurity.

In conclusion, it is best to avoid jelqing and instead focus on self-acceptance and debunking harmful myths and stereotypes. Trying to change the size or appearance of your penis through dangerous methods like jelqing is not worth the potential risks and consequences.

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