Rishi Sunak wants to show Giorgia Meloni the nightlife scene in Yorkshire.

The Conservative leader was interviewed by Metro for 60 Seconds before the upcoming General Election on Thursday.

July 2nd 2024.

Rishi Sunak wants to show Giorgia Meloni the nightlife scene in Yorkshire.
British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak is gearing up for the upcoming General Election on July 4th and is hoping to secure another term in office at Number 10. In preparation for the big day, senior political reporter Craig Munro sat down with four top party leaders for Metro's 60 Seconds interviews. You can catch our conversations with Labour's Keir Starmer, Liberal Democrat's Ed Davey, and Green Party's Carla Denyer by following the links. Unfortunately, Nigel Farage of Reform UK declined to participate in the interviews. But we were lucky enough to sit down with Sunak himself, leader of the Conservative Party, for an exclusive chat.

We asked Sunak about his time as prime minister and what he considers to be the highlight of his tenure so far. He shared that the first week of January this year was particularly special for him as he was able to implement substantial tax cuts for 27 million workers. As much as he is proud of the government's handling of the pandemic, Sunak firmly believes in low taxes and was relieved to finally be in a position to make changes that he had been advocating for. He emphasized that reducing taxes is not only a sound economic move, but also a moral one, and he hopes to continue putting money back into people's pockets in the years to come. He contrasted his party's stance with that of Labour's, who he claims will raise taxes if elected.

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When we asked Sunak about his most memorable moment as prime minister, he shared that it was a pinch-yourself moment when he got to play cricket with the England team in the garden at Number 10. As a child, he used to play in the streets of Southampton, worried that he might break a car window with a stray shot. Little did he know that one day he would be playing with the England team at the prime minister's residence.

We also wanted to know Sunak's thoughts on Brexit, two and a half years after the UK officially left the EU. He listed several benefits that young people can now enjoy, including the ability to vote for the laws that govern them, the scrapping of unnecessary EU regulations that hinder businesses, and the signing of new trade deals with over 70 countries. He also mentioned the opening of freeports, which he believes will create thousands of jobs for young people.

Sunak's integrity, professionalism, and accountability have been called into question by some, but when we asked him about it, he stood by his values. He acknowledged that the government has made mistakes, but he hopes that people can see him as someone who genuinely believes in public service and puts the country's interests first. He gave the example of setting out clear and measurable targets for his priorities, unlike Labour's vague promises that can easily be backed out of.

Being the prime minister is a demanding job, and Sunak revealed that his favorite night out in his constituency of Richmond and Northallerton is simply going to the Everyman cinema with his daughters. He admits that it's a rare treat to be able to switch off his phone and relax for an hour or two. When asked which politician from a different party he would like to take on a night out, Sunak joked that he would like to show Italian prime minister Giorgia Meloni that Yorkshire has a vibrant nightlife and beautiful scenery, just like the show she put on for them in Puglia. He even asked for suggestions for a local musician who could top Andrea Bocelli!

We also delved into Sunak's personal finances, and he revealed that he is fortunate but does not take anything for granted. He emphasized that his focus is on making life easier for hard-working individuals and creating opportunities for them. He shared that his grandparents came to the UK with little more than ambition, resilience, and determination, and they taught him the value of hard work and creating opportunities for others. He also addressed any concerns about his personal wealth, stating that he cares deeply about those going through tough times and has shown this through his actions as Chancellor and Prime Minister, from the furlough scheme to helping the most vulnerable with the cost of living and energy bills.

As the General Election campaign draws to a close, we asked Sunak about the lessons he would take into his next term as PM. He shared that meeting and listening to the stories and perspectives of everyday people has been an eye-opening experience for him. From a struggling apprentice in Penzance to hard-working farmers in Devon, to war veterans in Normandy, Sunak has been inspired by their energy, ideas, and determination. He promised to take all of this with him for the next five years if he is re-elected.

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