Rich woman killed at party pretending to be a murder.

"After seeing the message, I realized it wasn't Angela and something must have happened to her."

May 9th 2024.

Rich woman killed at party pretending to be a murder.
The tragic story of Kamonnan Thiamphanit, also known as Angela, has left her family and friends stunned and heartbroken. The 27-year-old was found stabbed to death at her luxurious mansion near Hyde Park, just two days after she mysteriously disappeared. Her loved ones were shocked to find out that she had suddenly left a murder mystery party before vanishing, and they were even more disturbed when they discovered some unusual searches for violent rap music on her iPad and YouTube.

Angela's boyfriend, Chris Zeng, was the one who stumbled upon the disturbing search history. He found a list of songs with lyrics about knife and gun violence that were played on her devices between 2:38am and 7:26am on April 6. This was a huge red flag for him, as he knew that Angela would never listen to such violent music. Two days later, the police found her lifeless body after breaking into her home. The suspect, who has not been publicly identified, had already fled the country, and the authorities have begun extradition proceedings to bring him to justice.

Angela's search history on her Google Maps app showed that she had returned to her home in Bayswater from a friend's flat in Aldgate East at 3:39am. Her friends revealed that she had left their regular murder mystery game at around 4am, and they noticed that she seemed more distracted than usual. One of the hosts, Kevin Xia, recalled how she was constantly texting someone and even mentioned that she needed to book an Uber home due to an emergency. However, they didn't think much of it at the time and didn't question her further.

The investigation into Angela's murder has revealed some shocking details. The police believe that she was likely killed by someone she knew, and her family claims that she had allowed a stranger to rent her home for a large sum of money. According to her boyfriend, she had informed him and her mother about the offer, but didn't reveal much else about the man. She just mentioned that he seemed wealthy, had flown in on a private jet, and had a child. Her mother, who lives in Hong Kong, also confirmed that the man had suggested they bypass Airbnb and make the payment directly, which didn't raise any red flags for Angela.

Mr. Zeng became increasingly worried when Angela left their games night early and stopped responding to his messages. He received a cryptic message from her late on Saturday, which was unusual as they usually communicated in Chinese, not English. He immediately knew that something was wrong, and his worst fears were confirmed when her body was discovered the next morning. The police have referred themselves to the Independent Office for Police Conduct following the murder, as they were contacted twice by Angela's concerned friends before forcing entry into her home.

Angela's family and friends are still struggling to come to terms with her tragic death and are desperate for answers. They never could have imagined that a night of fun and games would end in such a horrific way, leaving them with so many unanswered questions. The search for justice continues as they mourn the loss of a beloved daughter, girlfriend, and friend.

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