Rhona is devastated by shocking news in new Emmerdale preview clip.

Rhona is heartbroken in the latest video.

February 2nd 2024.

Rhona is devastated by shocking news in new Emmerdale preview clip.
In a new Emmerdale spoiler video, Rhona Goskirk receives some news that leaves her feeling completely devastated. As viewers know, Rhona has developed strong feelings for baby Ivy, whom she took custody of after her husband, Gus Malcolms, struggled to cope with the loss of his wife during childbirth. Despite being Ivy's biological mother, Rhona has no legal claim over the child since Gus used their stored embryos without her consent. This means that she has always been aware that Ivy would eventually have to go back to living with Gus.

Unfortunately for Rhona, it seems that this time may come sooner than she had hoped, as the new spoiler video reveals. She is summoned to the Woolpack by Marlon Dingle and Gus, and right away she can sense that something is wrong. Gus then drops the bombshell that he wants to talk to her about Ivy, stating that he can see how much the baby means to her and how hard it will be for her to let go.

Rhona immediately becomes defensive, not liking where the conversation is heading. Gus explains that he feels ready to take on a bigger role as Ivy's dad, despite their initial plan to take things slow. He suggests having her stay overnight with him, and Rhona is completely opposed to the idea. She argues that it's not the right time, but Gus stands his ground and suggests putting a plan in place so that he can have Ivy back full time.

As if things weren't dramatic enough, Rhona later learns that Gus plans on moving to France, meaning that she won't be able to see Ivy as often as she would like. This news leaves Rhona feeling even more heartbroken. Later in the week, Marlon returns home to find that Rhona and baby Ivy are missing, causing him to become horrified. As the events unfold, Rhona and Gus's relationship becomes more complicated, and viewers are left wondering what the future holds for little Ivy and her parents.

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