"Review of Endless Ocean Luminous on Wii, a swimming game with beautiful graphics."

A popular Wii game is back with a multiplayer mode for 30 players and 500+ fish to capture on camera.

April 30th 2024.

The Wii era was a time of great success and nostalgia for many gamers, and one of the most beloved third party games was Endless Ocean. Now, after almost 20 years since the release of the Wii, a sequel to the popular scuba diving simulator has arrived on the Switch. Endless Ocean Luminous promises an even more immersive experience, with multiplayer for up to 30 people and over 500 different fish to discover and photograph.

It's hard to deny the impact that the Wii had on the gaming industry, with its motion controls and casual-friendly games. However, as time has passed, the Wii's legacy has become somewhat unclear. With the rise of mobile gaming, the casual audience that once flocked to the Wii and DS has now moved on. And while the Switch has seen its fair share of casual games, it's clear that the era of the Wii's revolution was short-lived.

Despite this, Endless Ocean Luminous remains true to its roots, offering a laidback and passive gameplay experience. Developed by Arika, the same team behind the Everblue series, the game is essentially a scuba diving simulator with no urgent goals other than exploring and taking pictures. And while the game does feature a multiplayer mode and a new randomly-generated map system, it unfortunately falls short compared to other franchises on the Switch.

The story of Endless Ocean Luminous follows a magical coral construct that you must revive, leading you on a journey to discover sunken treasures and rare, extinct creatures. While the idea of a randomly-generated map may seem exciting, it ultimately takes away from the hand-crafted elements that could have made the underwater world more visually interesting.

The gameplay itself is simplistic, with swimming and photography requiring little skill. While the variety of marine life to discover and catalog is impressive, it can quickly become repetitive. And with games like New Pokémon Snap offering a more entertaining take on the same concept, it's hard to overlook the lack of depth in Endless Ocean Luminous.

One of the biggest issues with the game is its lack of challenge and complexity. In an attempt to appeal to casual gamers, it often feels like the game is holding your hand and limiting your movements. And in a world where games like ABZÛ and Subnautica offer more immersive and engaging underwater experiences, Endless Ocean Luminous falls short.

Overall, Endless Ocean Luminous may appeal to fans of the original games, but it fails to offer anything new or exciting. Its simplistic gameplay and lack of depth make it a forgettable experience, especially in a time where the gaming industry has evolved to offer more immersive and challenging experiences. While the graphics are impressive and there are plenty of game modes to try, it's hard not to feel underwhelmed by the overall experience.

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