'Retired generals warn Trump poses threat to country's safety'

Top ex-military leaders endorse Kamala Harris for commander-in-chief.

September 10th 2024.

'Retired generals warn Trump poses threat to country's safety'
Kamala Harris, the current Vice President of the United States, has recently gained the support of a group of retired senior military commanders. These commanders have expressed their concern over the possibility of former President Donald Trump being re-elected and returning to the White House. In a letter from the National Security Leaders for America, the former generals and admirals stated that Harris is the best candidate in the current presidential campaign to serve as the country's commander-in-chief.

The document, signed by 10 retired senior officers, described Trump as "a danger to our national security and our democracy." It also highlighted Harris's capabilities in handling the most pressing defense and security challenges around the world. The commanders praised her for rallying our allies against Russia's invasion of Ukraine, standing with our allies in the Indo-Pacific against China's provocative actions, and advancing US leadership in space and artificial intelligence.

One of the major concerns addressed in the letter was the chaotic withdrawal of US troops from Afghanistan in 2021. The retired commanders pointed out that the former Trump administration's actions, such as releasing 5000 militant fighters, hindered the current Biden-Harris administration's ability to execute a more orderly withdrawal and put our service members and allies at risk.

During this year's presidential campaign, Trump and other Republican politicians have repeatedly criticized Biden and Harris for the Afghanistan pullout. In a controversial move, Trump even visited Arlington National Cemetery to honor the US armed forces members killed in the Kabul airport bombing in 2021. However, his campaign's use of video and images from the visit was rebuked by the US Army for violating rules prohibiting political activity on the sacred grounds.

The Afghanistan withdrawal marked the end of a nearly two-decade-long occupation by US and allied forces, whose initial goal was to eliminate the al-Qaida militants responsible for the 9/11 attacks. However, the Taliban's swift overthrow of the Afghan government and military in August 2021 has raised concerns about the region's stability and the potential for it to become a base for anti-Western extremists again.

As the presidential campaign heats up, Harris and Trump are set to face each other in a televised debate on Tuesday. The retired commanders' letter serves as a reminder of the importance of having a competent and experienced leader as the country's commander-in-chief. Harris has proven herself capable of handling challenging situations and making tough decisions, while Trump's actions have been deemed a threat to our national security and democracy.

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