Residents of Madhya Pradesh in panic after a dengue case is found.

October 24th 2023.

Residents of Madhya Pradesh in panic after a dengue case is found.
Residents of Harpalpur in Chhatarpur were filled with panic recently when a dengue case was reported in the area. A 16-year-old girl had been suffering from a fever for five days and was admitted to a private hospital in the city. When her condition did not improve, her family decided to take her to Jhansi for further checkups. The doctors there confirmed that she had dengue, and her platelet count was recorded as only 50,000. After two days of continuous treatment, however, her condition improved.

The Municipal Council and Health Department have been harshly criticised in the wake of the incident. It has been alleged that the Municipal Council did not follow proper protocols, such as sprinkling insecticide in drains and in vacant plots, which led to a surge in the mosquito population. It was also noted that medicines for dengue and malaria prevention were being distributed only on paper.

The MP Election 2023 will still take place despite a local holiday. Nomination papers are set to be accepted today.

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