Republican women Amber Rose and Candace Owens find solace in each other's shared experience of being rejected by their party for their political beliefs.

Rose publicly revealed her support for Donald Trump by sharing a photo with the candidate and his wife.

July 30th 2024.

Republican women Amber Rose and Candace Owens find solace in each other's shared experience of being rejected by their party for their political beliefs.
Amber Rose, a newly conservative advocate, recently sat down with YouTube star Candace Owens to discuss a topic that hits close to home for both of them - being Black and conservative. As guests on The Candace Podcast, they delved into the challenges of navigating this identity and the lack of acceptance they have faced from both the left and the right.

Rose opened up about the struggles she has faced in the conservative world, feeling like an outsider and constantly having to prove herself to be accepted. "It wakes me up at night, Candace," she shared, "because I have tortured myself for 15 years with this stuff. And I've begged, and I've cried, and I've pleaded, please, reach for the stars...maybe talk to more conservative brands. See if they will give me a chance. But they wouldn't give me a chance because they just don't know me, and I get it."

Owens empathized with Rose, describing her journey as "political purgatory." She recognized the pain and difficulty of breaking out of the "cocoon" of Hollywood and the entertainment industry to embrace conservative beliefs. "Mine was hard enough just being Black and being like, 'Hey, I'm a conservative,'" Owens shared.

The conversation took a poignant turn when Rose declared, "Oh, I'm no longer Black." Owens, who has also faced similar attacks on her Black identity for her conservative views, agreed, saying, "They will take that away."

This idea of having their Black identity stripped from them because of their political beliefs is something that both Rose and Owens have experienced firsthand. Rose caused quite a stir when she posted a photo on Instagram with former President Donald Trump and his wife Melania, using the caption "Trump 2024." This newfound ideology earned her a spot as a speaker at the 2024 Republican National Convention in Milwaukee, where she proudly declared, "These are my people. This is where I belong." The crowd responded with thunderous applause.

But as the video clip of their conversation made its way to social media, Rose faced immediate backlash for her thoughts and comments on her Black identity. One user reposted a clip of her saying she identifies as a Black woman during an interview, questioning her sudden shift in perspective.

Another user chimed in, reminding people that just because someone shares your skin color doesn't automatically make them "your people." They acknowledged that people have the right to identify as they choose, but it's important to remember that skin color does not dictate one's identity.

Others accused Rose and Owens of switching to conservative beliefs for financial gain, claiming that their financial struggles are driving this sudden change. But as the full conversation can be seen on YouTube, it's clear that their beliefs and experiences are genuine and deeply personal.

In a world where political identities are often used to divide and label individuals, it's refreshing to see two women from different backgrounds come together to share their struggles and support each other. Despite facing criticism and attacks on their identities, Rose and Owens continue to stand firm in their beliefs and challenge societal expectations. And that, in itself, is a powerful message.

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