Red Arrows flight path and schedule for Armed Forces Day can be found on a map.

The famous RAF flying group is performing in the air.

June 29th 2024.

Red Arrows flight path and schedule for Armed Forces Day can be found on a map.
Today, the highly-regarded Red Arrows are gearing up for their busiest day of the year. It is a special day as we celebrate Armed Forces Day in 2024. The Royal Air Force's renowned aerobatic team will be taking to the skies for not one, not two, but six different shows across the UK. It's a jam-packed schedule that is sure to impress and leave us in awe.

If you're hoping to catch a glimpse of these amazing displays, you just might be in luck. Keep an eye out if you're near one of the designated flight paths. The Red Arrows are just one of the many events happening around the country this month. However, their performances are the highlight of the weekend, making for a mega finale that we can't wait to see.

So, what exactly is the Red Arrows' flight path and schedule for today? The team will take off from RAF Waddington at 12:46 pm, before making their way to the Rushden flypast in Northamptonshire at 12:57 pm. From there, they will continue on to the Shuttleworth Festival of Flight Display at 1 pm and the Long Bennington Flypast at 1:35 pm, before returning to RAF Waddington.

But that's not all - the Red Arrows will take to the skies again at 4:12 pm for the Cleethorpes Armed Forces Weekend Display, arriving at 4:20 pm. Their final show for the day will begin at 7 pm, departing from RAF Waddington and stopping at the Marston Flypast at 7:05 pm and the Banbury Flypast at 7:17 pm.

If you're wondering where you can see the Red Arrows today, here's a detailed look at their schedule, according to the Military Airshows website. Their first show will take them on a route that starts at RAF Waddington at 12:46 pm and continues on to various locations such as Peterborough, Bedford, and Stamford, before ending back at RAF Waddington at 1:40 pm.

Their second show will begin at 4:12 pm at RAF Waddington, followed by displays over Martin, Cadwell Park, and Cleethorpes, before returning to RAF Waddington. And finally, their third and final show of the day will start at 7 pm, taking them to locations such as Marston, Market Harborough, and Banbury, before concluding at Bournemouth Airport at 7:35 pm.

It's important to note that these timings are approximate and subject to change, so keep your eyes peeled! And don't worry if you can't catch them today, as the Red Arrows will be flying again tomorrow for three more flypasts in the Isle of Wight, Billingshurst, and Folkestone. They have a busy schedule ahead, with many more events lined up for July and August. So, if you miss them today, you'll have more opportunities to see them in action.

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