Record high food bank parcels show that hungry children are a disgrace to society.

Basic necessities are beyond people's financial means.

May 14th 2024.

Record high food bank parcels show that hungry children are a disgrace to society.
In recent years, the government has made some changes such as cutting taxes and increasing the National Living Wage. However, despite these efforts, the number of food parcels being distributed has reached an all-time high. This means that more children are relying on foodbanks to save them from hunger. In fact, over 1 million food parcels were given out in the past year alone, breaking previous records.

The Trussell Trust, an organization that runs foodbanks, has seen a significant increase in the number of food parcels being distributed in the last five years. In fact, the number has doubled to more than 3.1 million in the year ending March 2024. Shockingly, over a third of these food parcels went to children. Emma Revie, the chief executive of the foodbank network, expressed her concern about the high levels of food bank need in our society in the year 2024.

She stated, "As a society, we cannot let this continue. We must not allow foodbanks to become the new norm." Val McKie, a former management consultant from the North West, knows this struggle all too well. After her husband passed away and she was evicted from her home, she found herself relying on foodbanks to survive. She shared, "I was overwhelmed with shame at the situation I was in. It took me years to build up the courage to ask for help. Unfortunately, many people in need of support from foodbanks share these same feelings."

Foodbanks have become a lifeline for many people, especially during the 14 years of Conservative government. Though the number of first-time foodbank users has slightly decreased from the previous year, it is still a 40% increase from five years ago. This is despite the government's claim of saving 1.3 million people from falling into poverty with a support package. However, the rising cost of living has made it difficult for older people, especially those in rental accommodation, to afford food and other essentials. As a result, they are facing hunger and severe hardship.

The Trussell Trust has warned that the number of food parcels given to households with someone of pension age has increased by more than a quarter. This is particularly alarming for Leeds South and East Foodbank, one of the 1,300 foodbanks in the network. Wendy Doyle, the operations manager, shared, "Our volunteers are seeing more and more pensioners who can't afford to put food on the table due to soaring energy costs. This is a heartbreaking choice they have to make."

Fortunately, donations to foodbanks are increasing as people chip in to help those falling through the gaps. In 2023, Britons donated nearly £1billion, which is an increase of more than £330million from the previous year, according to the Charities Aid Foundation. The average donation also rose from £22 to £32, showing people's generosity even during tough times.

Despite finding a lifeline in food parcels, Val sees them as a stain on our society and a symptom of a larger issue that needs to be addressed. She believes that instead of relying on foodbanks, we should strive for a society where everyone can flourish. As a general election approaches, the Trussell Trust is calling for political parties to back a supportive social security system that better supports parents, carers, and people with disabilities. Emma Revie stated, "As we approach the next UK General Election, we urgently need all political leaders to set out how they will build a future where no one needs a food bank to survive. Voters want to see a change, and we need cross-government action to make it happen."

To combat extreme poverty, the Joseph Rowntree Foundation has proposed that the government guarantee a minimum amount of support so people can afford essentials. Iain Porter, a senior policy adviser, emphasized that the current situation is not what a healthy economy should look like. He said, "The latest record-breaking figures for emergency food parcels show the harsh economic reality facing families with the least." It is clear that more needs to be done to address this issue and ensure that no one in our society has to rely on foodbanks to survive.

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