Recently baptized man drowns while attempting to rescue teenage girl in shared body of water.

A man drowned while saving a girl from Texas's Boat Dock Park lake, where he was recently baptized.

August 26th 2024.

Recently baptized man drowns while attempting to rescue teenage girl in shared body of water.
A heartbreaking tragedy occurred at Boat Dock Park lake in Texas when a young man, Lincer Lopez, drowned while trying to save a teenage girl from the same fate. The 21-year-old had just been baptized in the lake earlier that day and was spending time with his church members when the incident took place.

According to his family and friends, Lincer had been eagerly looking forward to his baptism and was so excited that he couldn't sleep the night before. He had a heart of gold and didn't hesitate to jump into the water to rescue the struggling girl. Miraculously, a passing boater was able to save the girl and revive her with CPR.

Unfortunately, Lincer was not as fortunate. Despite the quick response from the Waxahachie Police Department and being rushed to the hospital, he was pronounced dead. The Tarrant County Medical Examiner later identified him as the victim.

Lincer, who was described as the oldest of seven siblings and a devout member of his church, had immigrated to the United States from Chiapas, Mexico. His family has set up a GoFundMe page to raise money to transport his body back to his hometown. They are devastated by the loss of their beloved son and brother, who they lovingly referred to as a hero.

The boater who saved the teenage girl, Jacob Bell, expressed his grief over Lincer's tragic death. Having lost his own brother to drowning at a young age, he knows the pain and sorrow that comes with such a loss. He also called Lincer a hero for his selfless act of bravery.

As the community mourns the loss of a young man with a bright future ahead of him, they also remember the risks and dangers of water activities. Just a week before Lincer's death, a 66-year-old man had lost his life trying to save a 5-year-old boy from Smithville Lake in Missouri. These incidents serve as a reminder to always be cautious and vigilant, but also to never hesitate to help those in need.

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