Readers share their thoughts on the greatest game console, good deals for Amnesia, and the return of Rocket Knight Adventures.

Readers question the future of FromSoftware and Soulslikes, with one suggesting a surprising idea about Emio.

July 15th 2024.

Readers share their thoughts on the greatest game console, good deals for Amnesia, and the return of Rocket Knight Adventures.
Is the Xbox 360 the ultimate console?
In a recent edition of the Monday letters page, readers were asked about their thoughts on FromSoftware and Soulslikes, with one reader sharing a unique theory about Emio. If you want to join in on the discussion, you can email us at [email address].
The best of the best
Lately, there has been a lot of nostalgia surrounding the Xbox 360, especially with Microsoft's uncertain plans for the future. Personally, I also have fond memories of this console and have even heard some say it's their all-time favorite. This got me thinking, could it be mine as well?
There are definitely other strong contenders, such as the SNES, PlayStation 2, and the Switch. While the SNES was undoubtedly the top console during the retro era, it lacks certain genres that were available on other systems, including computer systems at the time. For that reason, I have to rule it out. The PlayStation 2, on the other hand, was the golden era of early 3D gaming, but revisiting its games can be a bit of a culture shock.
As for the Switch, it may just be the ultimate winner, but since it is still going strong, I won't count it just yet. In my opinion, the Xbox 360 is the best console ever, or at least the best retro one. It was innovative, had amazing exclusives, and offered a wide range of game types – everything you would want in a classic console. It's a shame that Microsoft didn't build on its success, especially in terms of Japanese support, but instead focused on the Kinect. However, no one can take away the amazing era of the Xbox 360, and it will always hold a special place in my heart.
A scary good deal
In response to a reader's letter about a bargain games bundle, I couldn't help but notice that SOMA is currently on sale in the PlayStation Store for only £2.39! It's an offer that's hard to resist. The Amnesia collection is also available for £3.59 until July 17. Additionally, there is a Frictional games bundle that includes the aforementioned titles, as well as Amnesia: Rebirth and Amnesia: The Bunker, for £51.79. However, I would recommend waiting for individual sales, as both of these games have been heavily discounted in the past. These deals are currently only available on PlayStation 4, but I don't see why they wouldn't work on PlayStation 5. And for anyone worried about dirtying their clothes, the money saved on these deals could easily cover the cost of washing detergent.
D Dubya
Exclusive speculations
I may be way off the mark here, but after seeing the cryptic live-action teaser for 'Who is Emio?', I have a theory that it could be a local multiplayer game that encourages households to have more than one Switch in order to fully enjoy it. Perhaps something along the lines of Cluedo or a murder mystery game. It's just a wild guess, but the teaser featuring someone with a bag over their head could represent any one of us, and the focus on four fingers could hint at a four-player game.
Bad Edit
GC: Have you ever considered a career as a video game rumourmonger?
Home console rivalry
In my opinion, Xbox is on the verge of giving up on the console market. If the rumors are true and they are only concerned about North America, then what's the point of releasing a new console? Although they have said they are working on one, they seem to change their minds every three months.
Now that Game Pass is available on the Amazon Fire stick, there is no need for another console from Xbox. It would be much cheaper for them to just bring Game Pass to other devices. It's a shame, because with Sony being the only home console on the market, they can charge whatever they want for PlayStation Plus and their games.
Confused chatter
I recently picked up the Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door remake because my TV no longer has a SCART socket, making it the perfect opportunity to replay the game. However, I've noticed that the original has this annoying blub noise when characters are talking. I don't even know what to call it, but it's so bothersome that it's making it difficult for me to play. I would much rather have silence. It's just awful.
GC: Yes, that's how it has always been. If you don't like that, make sure to avoid playing Banjo-Kazooie.
Retro revival
I received my copy of Rocket Knight Adventures: Resparked in the mail last Friday from Limited Run Games. I had pre-ordered it for the PlayStation 4 a while back. It's a shame that the original game never made it onto any 16-bit mini-consoles. The bundle includes the two Mega Drive games and the SNES version of the sequel, which I don't think was ever released in the UK. I never had a SNES back then, so it's a new experience for me.
Is the Xbox 360 truly the best console ever made? It's a question that has been on many gamers' minds lately, especially with Microsoft's questionable plans for the future. Personally, I have a lot of fond memories of the old console and I can see why some would consider it their favorite of all time. However, there are other strong contenders such as the SNES, PlayStation 2, and Switch. While the SNES was definitely the best of the retro era, it lacked certain genres that were available on other systems at the time. As for the PlayStation 2, its early 3D phase was a golden era but revisiting those games can be a bit jarring. And although the Switch may be the overall winner, since it's still in production, I would argue that the Xbox 360 is the best retro console. It was innovative, had great exclusives, and offered a wide range of game types, which are all important factors for a classic console.

Unfortunately, Microsoft didn't capitalize on the success of the Xbox 360 and instead focused on the Kinect, leading to a decline in quality for their future consoles. However, no one can take away the impact and popularity of the Xbox 360 and it remains my personal favorite. Moving on, let's talk about some great deals that were recently spotted. One reader shared that SOMA is currently on sale in the PlayStation Store for £2.39, and the Amnesia collection is going for £3.59 until July 17. There's also a bundle that includes these games and more for £51.79, but it might be worth waiting for individual sales on the other titles.

In other news, there's a rumor floating around about a new game from FromSoftware called "Who is Emio?". While the live action teaser is vague, one reader predicts that it could be a local multiplayer game that encourages households to have multiple Switch consoles. Another reader shares their thoughts on Xbox's potential withdrawal from the console market, questioning the need for a new console when Game Pass is already available on other devices. Finally, a reader shares their disappointment with the annoying blub noise in Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door, which has been a part of the game since its original release.

On a more positive note, another reader received their copy of Rocket Knight Adventures: Resparked from Limited Run Games, which includes three games: the two Mega Drive installments and the SNES version of the sequel. This reader believes it's a crime that the original title never found its way to a 16-bit mini-console, but is excited to finally play the SNES version. Overall, it's clear that there are many different opinions and theories when it comes to the gaming world, and it's always interesting to hear what fellow gamers have to say.

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