Readers share their predictions for the release date of the PS5 Pro, express their love for Shadow of the Colossus, and discuss the possibility of a Bioshock 1 remake.

Readers are reminiscing about GTA 4 and one suggests Bill Murray should play Tingle in Zelda.

July 9th 2024.

Readers share their predictions for the release date of the PS5 Pro, express their love for Shadow of the Colossus, and discuss the possibility of a Bioshock 1 remake.
As the year draws to a close, there has been a sudden wave of nostalgia for GTA 4 on the Tuesday letters page. One reader even suggested that Bill Murray should play Tingle from Zelda in the rumored live action movie. If you have any thoughts on this or any other gaming discussions, feel free to email us at email.

Speaking of gaming discussions, with all the buzz about the PlayStation 4 and 5, I can't help but wonder how many others are in the same boat as me. I'm still stuck in the last generation and was waiting for the PS5 Pro before diving into the new console. Considering the rocky start of the current generation and the slow release of first-party games, I'm sure I'm not the only one in this situation.

I understand that some may not want to see a PS5 Pro announced, especially if they already own the original model. But personally, I'm eager for Sony to confirm its release. Despite the recent criticism towards Sony, I'm excited to finally join in on this new generation.

I know there have been rumors about the PS5 Pro being released this year, but I'm starting to worry that it still hasn't been officially announced. In the past, Sony would have unveiled such a big release at E3, but so far we have heard nothing. And wouldn't they want a major game to showcase its capabilities? As much as I enjoy Astro Bot, I don't see it as a groundbreaking game.

I know I should be patient, but the continued silence from Sony is making me anxious. But I guess I should get used to it if I finally do get a PlayStation 5.

On a different note, I have to mention how impressed I am with the DLC for Shadow Of The Erdtree. The sheer size of it is astounding. Just when I thought I had seen everything, I discover there's another section that will take me hours to complete.

According to HowLongToBeat, the main story alone takes 22 hours to finish and over 45 hours to see everything. And that's just for the DLC! The base game is even longer and better. At £33, it may seem pricey for DLC, but in my opinion, it's worth every penny. Kudos to FromSoftware for their Midas touch.

It's hard to believe that it's been 11 years since Infinite and 17 years since Bioshock 1. It still feels like a relatively modern game to me, although I haven't played it in a while. So, I don't really see the need for a remake. As another reader pointed out, it's not as simple as just ignoring it if it's not for you. It takes time and resources for developers to work on a remake that may not be necessary. A remaster would be just as good. The Resident Evil remakes are great, but there aren't many others that are as worthwhile, especially when it comes to a game like Final Fantasy 7, which is more than just a straight remake.

I'm aware that the unidentified game from 2K may not be Bioshock, but if it is, that just means we'll have to wait even longer for a new game.

Moving on, I want to take a moment to express my appreciation for the gaming section of the Metro. Keep up the good work! Recently, I watched a video about GTA 4 and was disappointed to find out that it's not available on modern consoles. As someone who no longer has a PlayStation 3, I would gladly pay for a bundle of the three GTA 4 releases on a current-gen console. It would be more cost-effective than buying a PlayStation 3 and the game separately. I know there were issues with music rights expiring after 10 years, but I still hope for a remaster or even a Metal Gear Solid-style collection with the original top-down games and GTA 4.

This made me wonder if other readers have games that they can't play because they're stuck in console history. I guess the lesson here is to hold onto those dusty old consoles.

Lastly, it's amazing to think that there are online games that have been around for over 30 years and are still going strong. While some games have a dedicated fanbase, others are only kept afloat by marketing. And speaking of dedicated fanbases, with the announcement of a live action Zelda movie, the question on everyone's mind is, "Who should play Tingle?" Any suggestions?
The news of a possible live action Zelda movie has certainly stirred up some nostalgia among fans. On the recent Tuesday letters page, the topic of GTA 4 suddenly took a backseat as one reader suggested that the beloved Bill Murray should play the quirky character of Tingle from the Zelda series. If you want to join in on the discussions, don't forget to email us your thoughts!

Speaking of the Zelda franchise, with all the hype surrounding the PlayStation 4 and 5, I can't help but wonder how many others, like me, are still stuck on the previous generation and waiting for the PS5 Pro to finally make the jump. After all, with the initial issues at the start of this console cycle and the lack of first party games in the past few years, I can't be the only one hesitant to upgrade.

Some may argue that they don't want to see a PS5 Pro announcement as they already have the original model, but personally, I'm eager for Sony to confirm its release. Despite recent complaints about Sony's behavior, I'm ready to dive into this new generation at last. However, with all the rumors pointing towards a release this year, I can't help but feel anxious that it still hasn't been officially announced. I mean, shouldn't Sony have unveiled it at E3, back in the day? And wouldn't they want a big game to showcase its capabilities? While Astro Bot is great, it's not exactly a major title.

But I know I should be patient. It's just hard not to worry when Sony remains silent. Although, I suppose I should get used to that if I do eventually get my hands on a PlayStation 5.

Moving on to a different topic, I have to take a moment to appreciate the incredible size of Shadow Of The Erdtree's DLC. It's simply mind-blowing! Every time I think I've seen all there is, I stumble upon another section that will take me hours to explore. According to HowLongToBeat, just the main story alone takes 22 hours to complete, and over 45 hours to see everything. And if the base game is any indication, it'll take me at least two to three times that to fully experience everything. It's impressive that this expansion is not only longer than most standalone games, but also better and cheaper. I know £33 may seem steep for DLC, but in my opinion, it's worth every penny. Kudos to FromSoftware for their Midas touch!

On a side note, I can't believe it's been so long since Bioshock was a major game title. It's been 11 years since Infinite, which, from what I understand, underperformed and led to the franchise being put on ice. And the first game was released a whopping 17 years ago! It's crazy to think of it as a relatively modern game. Although, I haven't played it in a while, so maybe it hasn't aged well. Regardless, I don't see the need for a remake. As another reader pointed out, it's not as simple as just ignoring it if it's not your cup of tea. It takes time and resources to make a remake, which could instead be used to create something entirely new. Plus, a remaster would suffice in most cases. While the Resident Evil remakes are fantastic, I struggle to think of many others that are truly necessary. And with Final Fantasy 7 being more than just a straight remake, it makes me question the purpose of a remake at all. And if the mysterious 2K game is indeed Bioshock, that just means an even longer wait for a new game.

Finally, I want to take a moment to appreciate the gaming community and the discussions we have. As a dedicated reader of the Metro's gaming section, I applaud all the work you do. Recently, I stumbled upon a video about GTA 4, and it got me thinking about playing it on my modern console. However, to my disappointment, it's not currently available on modern consoles. I would gladly pay, and I'm sure others would too, for a bundle of the three GTA 4 releases on a current gen console. It would be more cost-effective than buying a PlayStation 3 and the game separately. I know there were some issues with music rights expiring after 10 years, but I still hold out hope for a remaster or a collection like the Metal Gear Solid series, with the original top-down games and GTA 4. Let's not forget the lesson here: never get rid of those old consoles.

Lastly, I want to mention the fascinating fact that there are online games that have been around for over 30 years and are still going strong. It's easy to think of anything online-related as modern, but there are some true classics that will outlast us all. It's interesting to compare these games to the short-lived live service games that come and go within a year. It goes to show that some games are successful because of their passionate fanbase, while others are just pushed out there with flashy marketing and no real substance. And with the recent announcement of a live action Zelda movie, the big question on everyone's mind is who will play the iconic Tingle? Only time will tell.

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