Readers share their opinions on the worst console names, the addition of Call Of Duty to Game Pass, and the possibility of Fable on PS5.

Reader shares review of Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth in discussion on top UK video game magazines.

May 13th 2024.

Readers share their opinions on the worst console names, the addition of Call Of Duty to Game Pass, and the possibility of Fable on PS5.
The name that doomed a console

The discussion on the letters page revolved around the best video game magazines in the UK, with one reader sharing their thoughts on Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth. To join in on the conversation, readers were encouraged to email their thoughts on the matter. One reader brought up the topic of funny names in the gaming industry, particularly the struggle of console manufacturers to come up with catchy and memorable names for their products. The reader pointed out that names like Switch, Wii, and GameCube were not the most creative or appealing choices. They also mentioned the failure of the Wii U, which could have been caused by its confusing name, and the potential challenges that may arise from the name of Microsoft's latest console, the Xbox Series X. The reader then posed a question to the community: which console has the best name? They personally voted for The Bally Astrocade, a console released in the US in 1978.

Forced to agree

Another reader chimed in with their thoughts on a recent Reader's Feature about the decline of the gaming industry. They admitted that they could not disagree with the author's points, and even wished for the industry to take a hit in order to address larger issues, such as late stage capitalism. The reader, who remembers the previous crash of the gaming industry, expressed hope that Nintendo could once again save the day. They also mentioned their growing disillusionment with giving money to Xbox and their interest in the upcoming successor to the Switch.

Schrödinger’s exec

One reader shared their thoughts on a recent interview with Sarah Bond from Xbox. They found the interview to be poorly conducted and criticized Bond for sticking to the traditional idea of exclusive titles, which goes against the current trend of cross-platform publishing. They wondered if there was a conflict within Xbox regarding this issue and expressed hope for the release of Fable on PlayStation 5.

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Hard copy

Another reader shared an interesting article from The Guardian about the best UK video game magazines. They noted that while the article was simply a list of the writer's personal favorites, it still evoked a sense of nostalgia for the days when physical gaming magazines were popular. The reader suggested that GC and its viewers share their own favorite magazines from their youth. They also expressed their own fondness for N64/NGC and gamesTM, and lamented the closure of the latter. They reminisced about the joy of coming home with a new issue and getting lost in its pages, without the distractions of modern technology. They also mentioned their desire to purchase a copy of Retro Gamer or Edge, two of the few remaining gaming magazines.

Prime candidate

One reader suggested that Call Of Duty would be the perfect game to drive subscriptions for services like Game Pass. However, they acknowledged that many casual gamers may not be interested in paying for a subscription, and questioned whether Microsoft would be missing out on potential profits from full price sales.

Well appreciated

The last reader praised GC's review of Animal Well and expressed their appreciation for indie developers and their unique approach to gaming. They noted the improvements in graphics and gameplay in recent years, and how it made older retro games less appealing in comparison. They also mentioned their love for the synthwave music style often used in indie games, and how it perfectly complemented the dreamy, neon graphics in Animal Well. They asked GC if they felt the music was of the same quality as the game itself.
The topic of gaming magazines in the UK has been a hot one lately, with many readers sharing their thoughts on the best ones out there. In fact, one reader even offered their review of Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth! If you want to join in on the discussion, just send us an email at the provided address.

Some readers have been pointing out the funny names of popular consoles, like Wii, GameCube, and Switch. It seems that all three of the major console manufacturers struggle with coming up with good names. And let's not forget about the Wii U, which many believe failed partly due to its confusing name. Even the upcoming Xbox Series X might face some trouble with its name. And as for Sony, we can only wonder what they will name their next console. Personally, I think The Bally Astrocade, released in 1978, has the best name.

Moving on to a different topic, one reader wrote in to say that they read a recent Reader's Feature about the state of the video game industry and unfortunately, they found themselves agreeing with it. They believe that late stage capitalism is to blame for the decline of the industry and they're hoping that Nintendo can save the day once again. They also mentioned that they might be switching over to the Switch for their gaming needs.

Another reader chimed in about a recent interview with Sarah Bond, where she seemed to be contradicting previous statements about cross-platform publishing. They wondered if there was some internal conflict within Xbox about whether to keep exclusives or not. And on a personal note, they're holding out hope for Fable to come to PlayStation 5.

But let's not forget about the joy of physical gaming magazines! One reader shared an interesting article from The Guardian about the best UK gaming magazines. They also asked for other readers' personal favorites, as they reminisce about the excitement of getting a new issue and diving into its pages without the distractions of modern technology.

And speaking of modern technology, another reader brought up a good point about the potential of Call of Duty on Game Pass. With its constant updates and cosmetic purchases, it seems like the perfect game for a subscription service. But will it drive enough subscribers to make it worth it for Microsoft? Only time will tell.

Lastly, we have a reader who appreciated our review of Animal Well. They love the unique perspectives and art styles of indie games, and how they bring a new life to retro graphics. They also enjoyed the synthwave music in the game, wondering if we thought it was up to par with the gameplay.

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