Readers of Metro say goodbye to Mary Quant, the revolutionary fashion designer who changed the way we dress.

Do you still enjoy fashion or has it lost its spark? Share your opinion!

April 16th 2023.

Readers of Metro say goodbye to Mary Quant, the revolutionary fashion designer who changed the way we dress.

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A controversial Channel 4 program sparked debate

The Channel 4 program Naked Education certainly sparked debate. While some viewers were outraged, one Metro reader saw it differently, suggesting that young people have likely seen more nudity than that, and if this program is wrong, then what about porn?

Let us know your thoughts in the comments. What do you think - is fashion fun anymore? Comment now.

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In reaction to the furor over Channel 4’s program Naked Education, one Metro reader suggested that young people have seen more nudity than that, and if this is bad, what about pornography?

We need to ask ourselves if fashion, and education, is really still fun and informative as it used to be. Let us know your thoughts in the comments and join the discussion!

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