March 30th 2023.
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Metro readers have come together to pay tribute to the late Paul O’Grady, a beloved comedy legend and LGBTQ+ icon. Through his work, he helped to create a more inclusive world for all LGBT+ people, and his legacy will live on forever.
The discussion has also shifted to Jeremy Corbyn, who will stand in the next general election as an independent. Meanwhile, the debate around rewriting books has highlighted the importance of art and how it should not be compromised in the name of sensitivities. Finally, Metro readers have expressed the view that protests would not be enough to force a King Andrew to abdicate.
(Image Source: In light of the ongoing debate on 'woke' culture and rewriting books, Metro readers express a desire for a more tolerant and accepting world, where everyone is free to express their opinion without fear of judgement. With regards to the debate on the monarchy, it is clear that protests wouldn't be enough to make a King Andrew abdicate.
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