Readers discuss their hopes for the next Resident Evil remake, excitement for Doom: The Dark Ages, and speculation about a potential Super Mario Odyssey 2.

Readers wonder about video game leaks, while one praises Activision's marketing for Black Ops 6.

May 28th 2024.

Readers discuss their hopes for the next Resident Evil remake, excitement for Doom: The Dark Ages, and speculation about a potential Super Mario Odyssey 2.
There's been talk of a potential remake for Resident Evil Zero, and it looks like it might actually happen. I saw on the letters page on Tuesday that someone was wondering why video game leakers do what they do. I agree with the reader who congratulated Activision for their marketing of Black Ops 6. If you want to join in on these discussions, you can email us at the given address.
Speaking of leaks, I find it amusing how there are internet wars between various groups of leakers. It's funny to see how angry some of them get, especially when they admit to being wrong about previous leaks. However, with so many people backing the rumors for Resident Evil Zero and Code: Veronica, it's likely that they are true.
It does seem strange that these remakes will be released after Resident Evil 4, but my guess is that Capcom wants to build up interest with a highly anticipated remake like Resident Evil 4 before releasing lesser-known titles like Zero and Code: Veronica. This order also makes sense because if they followed up the disappointing Resident Evil 3 with the lesser-known Code: Veronica, it wouldn't have been as successful. As for where Zero fits into the timeline, it was never going to come out before Resident Evil 2.
I wonder if they'll make any changes to the stories, such as having Code: Veronica take place after Resident Evil 4 or focusing on the aftermath of Resident Evil 1 in Zero. Personally, I don't mind if they stay true to the original stories because there isn't much connection to Resident Evil 5, which definitely needs a major overhaul. To sum it up, I'm excited for Code: Veronica to be released next and I hope they get Leonardo DiCaprio to voice Steve Burnside.
Moving on to the topic of internet hype, I've noticed that Midori's name has been popping up a lot lately in terms of leaks and they seem to be pretty accurate. But I can't help but wonder what they get out of it. Is it really worth risking their job for some internet recognition? And even though they only leak codenames and vague details, I'm sure Nintendo would try to get them arrested if they were caught. It would be much better to hear these announcements from the publishers themselves, but if they're not going to reveal anything until the last minute, then it's only natural that others will try to fill in the gaps.
I have to give Activision credit for keeping most of the details about Black Ops 6 under wraps and building up hype for its release on June 9. I don't know what the game will be like, but at least they're putting in the effort to promote it.
As for the financial hit for Microsoft to put Call Of Duty on Game Pass, I don't think it's as big as some people think. From what I've read, only 25% of players actually complete the single-player story, with some not even touching it. The money is made from multiplayer, with players purchasing skins, guns, coins, and season passes. Look at Warzone, it's free to play and makes a fortune. The 9th of June will be interesting, and I'm not sure what to make of the rumor that the next console is basically a Windows PC. It seems like the industry is in a precarious situation with job cuts and new consoles, and this cycle seems worse than previous ones.
On a happier note, I'm thrilled to hear that a new Doom game is almost confirmed. I loved the last two games and can't wait to play the next one. It's also reassuring to know that id Software is still in business, especially after recent events. While the original staff may have moved on, I still think id Software is one of the most underrated developers out there. Their older work may have been forgotten, but their games are consistently high quality. Apart from the two Rage games, I don't think they've made a bad game. Even Bethesda, who claims to help with Fallout, can't get the shooting mechanics right. In my opinion, id Software is on par with Bungie when it comes to the quality of their shooting gameplay.
Unfortunately, the Doom reboots haven't been as successful as I would've liked. I'm guessing it's because they're challenging and don't have a strong focus on story, but they're my favorite first-person shooters of the modern era. If you're curious, I highly recommend checking them out. They're affordable and look great for their age.
In the end, whether Nintendo decides to just release remasters for their new console or a complete compilation of the open-world Zelda games, I'm on board. Breath Of The Tears Of The Kingdom sounds amazing! I would love to see both games seamlessly combined, with the Champions Ballad DLC included. However, I have a feeling that we'll have to pay for each game individually again.
There's been a lot of buzz lately about a potential remake of Resident Evil Zero. Some people are wondering why video game leakers do what they do, while others are praising Activision for their marketing tactics for Black Ops 6. If you want to join in on the conversation, you can email us at email.

Personally, I find the whole internet war between different groups of leakers to be somewhat amusing. It's funny to see how angry they get, especially when they end up being wrong about their predictions. But with so many people backing the rumors about Resident Evil Zero and Code: Veronica, it's hard to deny that there's some truth to them.

It is a bit strange that these remakes would come out after Resident Evil 4, but I can understand why. The previous remakes were a huge success, so it makes sense that Capcom would want to build up interest with a well-known game like Resident Evil 4 before releasing remakes of more obscure titles like Zero and Code: Veronica.

If they were to follow the original order, they would have had to release the already disappointing Resident Evil 3 followed by the lesser-known Code: Veronica. I'm not sure where Resident Evil Zero would fit in, but it definitely wouldn't have come before Resident Evil 2.

I wonder if they'll change the stories a bit to make Code: Veronica take place after Resident Evil 4, or maybe make Zero focus more on what happened after the first game instead of before it. Either way, I'm excited to see these remakes and I wouldn't mind if they got Leonardo DiCaprio to voice Steve Burnside.

Switching gears, let's talk about internet hype. Recently, there's been a lot of talk about a leaker named Midori and their accuracy with predictions. But what do they get out of it? Is it really worth risking their job for some internet recognition? And all they ever leak is codenames and vague details. If Nintendo were to catch them, they would probably try to get them arrested. Is it really worth it to them?

For some, it may just be the desire to feel important. But as other readers have pointed out, it would be better to hear about these things directly from the publishers. If they're not going to announce games until a day before they're released, then of course others will try to fill the void with leaks.

I have to give credit to Activision for keeping most of the details about Black Ops 6 under wraps, and also for putting in the effort to build up hype for its release on June 9. I can't say for sure what the game will be like, but at least they seem to care enough to promote it.

Moving on to a different topic, I don't think it would be as big of a financial hit for Microsoft to put Call of Duty on Game Pass as some may think. According to reports, only 25% of players actually complete the single-player campaign, with some not even touching it. The real money comes from multiplayer, with things like skins, guns, coins, and season passes. Just look at Warzone, which is free to play but still makes a fortune.

June 9th is going to be interesting, especially with the rumor about the next console being essentially a Windows PC. It seems like the industry is going through a tough time, with job losses and uncertainty about the new consoles. But let's hope for the best.

On a positive note, it seems like a new Doom game is in the works. I, for one, am very excited to play it. And it's reassuring to know that id Software is still going strong despite recent events. While the original team may have moved on, I still believe that id Software is one of the most underrated developers out there. Their games are consistently high quality, with top-notch shooting mechanics. Even their two Rage games, which weren't as well-received, still had great gunplay.

Some people may say that Bethesda helped with Fallout, but I find it hard to believe considering how lacking the shooting mechanics are in that game. When it comes to shooting, I would put id Software on the same level as Bungie.

Unfortunately, the previous Doom games were only minor hits, probably due to their difficulty and lack of story. But I highly recommend them to anyone who loves first-person shooters. They can be bought for a low price and they still look great, even considering their age. So let's hope for the best with the upcoming Doom game, and in the meantime, I suggest giving the first two a try.

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