Readers discuss the possibility of a portable Xbox, issues with a potential Elden Ring TV show, and the potential for a remake of Soul Reaver 2.

GameCentral's readers debate whether the PlayStation 4 is still relevant and speculate about a potential new Superman game.

July 2nd 2024.

Readers discuss the possibility of a portable Xbox, issues with a potential Elden Ring TV show, and the potential for a remake of Soul Reaver 2.
Hey there! I wanted to chat with you about something that's been on my mind. Have you heard about the discussion on GameCentral's daily letter page? One reader brought up the possibility of a new Superman game and it got me thinking. I never even considered that the Xbox portable might be a thing this generation. Do you think it's a good idea for it to come out this year? With the lack of interest in the Xbox Series X/S, it might be a smart move for Microsoft. However, it seems they've already announced the all-digital Xbox Series X, so it's probably not going to happen.

But, looking towards the next generation, I can definitely see the appeal of having a portable Xbox. Of course, there might be some concerns about the stereotypical "macho" Xbox owners not being interested in a smaller, portable device. But, there have also been rumors about a home version of the Xbox, which isn't too hard to imagine considering Microsoft's history with releasing different models at the same time.

Speaking of history, I'm so glad they brought back the blades for the Xbox dashboard. I never understood why they got rid of them in the first place. And, let's be real, the Xbox dashboard hasn't exactly been the greatest since then.

Moving on to a different topic, I wanted to share my thoughts on the Shadow of Erdtree DLC. Difficulty aside, I have to say it's one of the best DLCs I've played. It's massive and has a lot of new features, but it also brings back that feeling of playing the original game for the first time. Even the optional content, like the Fog Rift Catacombs, is top-notch. And, I know the story can be hard to follow, but that's to be expected with this type of game. Overall, I highly recommend it to anyone who enjoyed the main game.

On a related note, I can't help but feel a bit disappointed that we haven't seen a remake or remaster of Soul Reaver after all these years. Back in the day, it was talked about as the PlayStation equivalent of Zelda. I remember it being a big deal in my circle of friends. But, it seems like it might be too old now for them to bother with. Although, with the 25th anniversary of the first game coming up, I'm still holding out hope for a remake of the sequel.

Now, let's shift gears to something more positive. I was pleasantly surprised to see the preview for Kunitsu-Gami: Path of the Goddess. I had actually forgotten that it was even announced. I have to give major props to Capcom for taking a risk and creating something that they know won't sell well. It's refreshing to see a publisher prioritize the art of gaming rather than just making a profit through microtransactions. I also think it's great for the developers to have something to work on that's different from the usual Resident Evil sequels every year.

Okay, I have to admit, I'm a little skeptical about the idea of an Elden Ring TV show. Yes, I would love to see it happen, but it's going to take a lot of time, money, and talent to pull off. And, with George R. R. Martin involved, there's always the possibility of delays. But, I'm curious to see how they would portray the protagonist repeatedly losing to bosses before finally getting help from overpowered co-op players. That's just part of the experience, am I right?

On a final note, have you seen the leaked photos of the new Superman film? I think the suit looks awesome, especially with the red shorts on the outside. It got me thinking about the possibility of a new Superman game. There have been rumors about Rocksteady wanting to make one for years, but the last one we got was back in 2006. I know James Gunn mentioned the potential for games when he took over, but he didn't mention any specific ones. The only one we know for sure is in the works is the Wonder Woman game, but that was announced before Gunn's involvement. Hopefully, we'll get more information soon about games for other DC characters. But, for now, the lack of news is a bit concerning. What do you think?
Does this seem like a good idea to you? GameCentral's daily letter page has recently discussed the ongoing popularity of the PlayStation 4, despite the release of the newer PlayStation 5. One reader even raised the question of whether we can expect a new Superman game in the near future. To join in on the discussion, send us an email.

It hadn't occurred to me until now, but with the lack of interest in the Xbox Series X/S, it might be a good idea for Microsoft to release their rumored Xbox portable this year. However, it seems they have already announced the all-digital Xbox Series X, which will likely be their main hardware for the upcoming Christmas season. Perhaps a portable console would be better suited for the next generation, as the only concern would be whether or not it would appeal to the typically more "macho" Xbox audience. There have also been rumors of a home version, which is not hard to imagine given Microsoft's tendency to have multiple models available at the same time.

I personally am excited to see the return of the iconic blades on the Xbox dashboard. I never understood why they were removed in the first place, as they were such a unique and recognizable feature. The current dashboard has been subpar since their removal, in my opinion.

On a different note, I wanted to briefly mention the difficulty of games, as I have been thoroughly enjoying the recent DLC for Shadow of Erdtree. It's a massive expansion with new features that make me feel like I am playing the original game for the first time again, which is a great feeling after multiple playthroughs. Even the optional content, such as the Fog Rift Catacombs, is top-notch and can rival the main content in terms of quality.

I highly recommend it to anyone who enjoyed the original game, despite the challenging difficulty and complex storyline. It definitely lives up to expectations and adds even more depth to an already amazing game.

Moving on to a different topic, I am surprised that there has not been a remake or remaster of Soul Reaver after all these years. Back in the day, it was seen as the PlayStation equivalent of Zelda, with its action-adventure and puzzle elements. It was a standout game that offered much more than other similar titles at the time. However, I fear that it may be too old now for developers to consider remaking, even though it's the 25th anniversary of the first game this year. If it were up to me, I would jump straight to remaking the sequel, but I have a feeling it may just never happen.

On a more positive note, I wanted to express my admiration for Capcom's upcoming game, Kunitsu-Gami: Path Of The Goddess. It's a bold and daring move for them to create a game that may not necessarily sell well, but they are clearly doing it for the love of the art. I wish more publishers would follow suit instead of focusing solely on profit and microtransactions. It's also a morale booster for developers, as they can work on projects that they are passionate about instead of constantly churning out sequels.

Speaking of sequels, I am skeptical about the possibility of an Elden Ring TV show. While it would be amazing to see the intricate world of Elden Ring brought to life, it would require a massive budget and a highly skilled team to do it justice. Even the creator, George R. R. Martin, may not have the same level of creativity and enthusiasm as he did in the past. However, I would still love to see it happen, especially if they accurately portray the protagonist struggling and finally giving in to the help of others to defeat bosses. It would add an authentic touch to the show.

Lastly, I want to hear your thoughts on the new Superman film. The leaked photos look amazing, and I personally believe that the iconic red shorts should be a part of his outfit. This brings me to my question: will we see a new Superman game in the near future? There have been rumors for years about Rocksteady working on one, but the last one we got was Superman Returns back in 2006. Director James Gunn has also mentioned games in relation to the upcoming film, but nothing specific has been announced. I hope this could be the start of more games for not only Superman, but other popular characters as well. However, the lack of any news so far is a bit concerning. Let us know your thoughts by sending us an email.

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