Reader thinks GTA 4 is the top GTA game and wants a remake.

A gamer revisits GTA 4 and asserts its superiority over GTA 5, particularly in storytelling.

July 6th 2024.

Reader thinks GTA 4 is the top GTA game and wants a remake.
GTA 4, released in 2008, is often overlooked in comparison to its successor, GTA 5. However, one reader recently revisited the game and argues that it actually does many things better than GTA 5, particularly in terms of its story.

With all the buzz surrounding the highly anticipated GTA 6, the reader decided to take a trip down memory lane and play the first Grand Theft Auto game of the Xbox 360 era. Despite some initial reservations due to their disappointment with the GTA Trilogy remasters, they were pleasantly surprised by how well the game has held up over the years.

The graphics, for one, have aged remarkably well. But what truly stood out to the reader was the protagonist, Niko. Unlike the exaggerated and cartoonish characters in GTA 5, Niko feels like a real human being with flaws and a conscience. He is not just a mindless criminal, but rather someone who struggles with the consequences of his actions.

Speaking of consequences, the reader also praises GTA 4 for its well-crafted plot with a clear beginning, middle, and end. In contrast, GTA 5 feels like a series of random events until the story suddenly comes to a rushed and unsatisfying conclusion. The reader appreciates the build-up and consequences in GTA 4, as it adds depth and meaning to the overall experience.

Of course, like any game, GTA 4 has its flaws. The gameplay, particularly the vehicle handling and combat, may feel clunky and out of place to some players. However, the reader acknowledges that these choices were made in an attempt to make the physics more realistic, which they admire.

Another strong aspect of the game is its mission design, which the reader feels is just as good as GTA 5's. The missions in GTA 4 have a more realistic take on the GTA world, including some mundane tasks that add to the immersion and sense of reality. The only downside is the lack of mid-mission saves, which can be frustrating.

In conclusion, the reader highly recommends giving GTA 4 a chance and believes it could possibly be the best game in the series. They even suggest the idea of a remake or remaster with modern graphics and controls, as long as it is done by a different team than the one responsible for the GTA 3 remaster.

While opinions may vary, the reader's experience with GTA 4 serves as a reminder that sometimes, revisiting older games can lead to pleasant surprises and a newfound appreciation for them. After all, good storytelling and well-crafted gameplay never go out of style.

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