Reader believes the Nintendo Switch 2 should be unique and take risks instead of being conservative.

"Discussion of Nintendo's potential approach for the Switch 2 - building on current design or creating something new."

July 7th 2024.

Reader believes the Nintendo Switch 2 should be unique and take risks instead of being conservative.
As an avid Nintendo fan, I can't help but wonder what the future holds for the Switch 2. Will Nintendo choose to innovate or stick with the tried and true formula? It's a question that has been on the minds of many, including myself.

Having grown up playing Nintendo games, I have been eagerly anticipating the release of the Switch's successor. It's truly remarkable to see the success that the hybrid console has achieved, and I believe it could even be argued as the greatest console of all time.

While there may only be rumors at this point, many analysts believe that Nintendo should play it safe with their next console. Stick with what works and simply give it a little more power. And to be honest, I've been nodding my head in agreement with this sentiment.

As a console gamer, the Switch has given me a renewed love for gaming. It's allowed me to play on the go, even in a household dominated by kids' TV shows. And the game selection has been nothing short of phenomenal, with beloved franchises like Mario and Zelda making a comeback, along with surprising third-party titles like Red Dead Redemption, The Witcher 3, and Bioshock.

So why take the risk of straying from what works? After all, the Wii U, which was a departure from the previous generation, was a commercial flop. It was the first Nintendo home console that I chose to skip since childhood, as there was no must-have game to justify its purchase.

However, with many of the Wii U's greatest hits now available on the Switch, it seems as though the previous generation has become somewhat obsolete. The Switch, at first, may have seemed like a gimmick with its handheld screen and TV-connected dock, but it has proven to be a versatile console with a strong library of games. So it's no surprise that a new version with improved graphics and the ability to run PlayStation 4 era games would be a day one purchase for myself and many others.

But a small part of me can't help but wonder what Nintendo could do if they decided to take a risk and release something completely unexpected. Some of the most exciting technological developments in gaming have come from Nintendo's quirky and innovative ideas, like the Wii remote or the dual screens of the Nintendo DS. And with rumors of new portable/hybrid consoles on the horizon, now is not the time for Nintendo to play it safe, especially when they have been leading the way thus far.

Of course, when Nintendo finally unveils their next piece of hardware, whether it's an upgraded version of the Switch or something completely different, I'll be excited either way. But I can't deny that a part of me is hoping for something that will truly blow us away.

In the end, the decision is up to Nintendo and I have faith that they will continue to surprise and impress us with their next console. But until then, I can't help but wonder, how different should the next console be?

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