Reader believes that Twilight Princess is the best Zelda game, despite it often being considered the worst.

Reader claims Zelda: Twilight Princess is the top game in the series, unfairly judged for lack of originality.

August 18th 2024.

Reader believes that Twilight Princess is the best Zelda game, despite it often being considered the worst.
Is The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess a game that has been unfairly overlooked and criticized? One reader certainly thinks so, arguing that it deserves more love and recognition as the best entry in the series. With the next mainline Zelda game still several years away, it's only natural that fans will be looking back at the current ones and ranking them. And what frustrates this reader is that their personal favorite, Twilight Princess, always seems to be near the bottom of the list.

But why is that? Well, the main complaint against Twilight Princess seems to be that it's too similar to the beloved Ocarina of Time. And while there are certainly similarities, this reader believes that Twilight Princess actually improves upon the classic formula in almost every way. Sure, Ocarina of Time was groundbreaking and one of the most important video games of all time, but playing it now, it's hard to ignore its age and the restrictive design of its maps and enemies. On the other hand, Twilight Princess feels more modern and epic in scope, especially after its HD remaster.

Some may argue that Twilight Princess isn't the most innovative entry in the series, but this reader believes that its use of the wolf form and the introduction of the fan-favorite character, Midna, make it stand out. Midna, with her unique personality and design, adds a sense of weirdness to the game that is darker in tone than other Zelda titles. And while some character designs may be a bit ugly, it only adds to the overall atmosphere of the game. It strikes the perfect balance between being too childish and trying too hard to be "grimdark."

But the real highlight of Twilight Princess is its dungeon designs. The City in the Sky, Arbiter's Grounds, and Snowpeak Ruins are all considered top ten creations in the entire series. And according to this reader, they far surpass anything in Breath of the Wild or Tears of the Kingdom. So why is Twilight Princess often overlooked and criticized? This reader believes it's because it's not the most original entry, and that's a shame. They hope that with a potential Switch remaster, more people will be able to appreciate and love this game as much as they do.

In the end, this reader believes that Twilight Princess deserves more love and recognition as the best entry in the Zelda series. And while their opinion may not reflect that of everyone, they urge others to give this game a chance and see for themselves why it's so beloved. Who knows, maybe with a new remaster, it'll finally get the recognition and appreciation it deserves.

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