Rajya Sabha faces frequent disruptions due to NEET issue; opposition, including BJD, leaves the session in protest.

The Rajya Sabha in New Delhi faced disruptions from opposition parties demanding a discussion on NEET issues during the Motion of Thanks to the President's address.

June 28th 2024.

Rajya Sabha faces frequent disruptions due to NEET issue; opposition, including BJD, leaves the session in protest.
On Friday, the Rajya Sabha was in chaos as opposition parties demanded urgent discussion on the alleged irregularities in the NEET exam. This happened as the House was about to take up the Motion of Thanks to the President's address. The uproar caused repeated adjournments throughout the day.

After the third adjournment, DMK member Tiruchi Siva informed the House that Congress MP Phulo Devi Netam, who had fainted earlier, was now experiencing high blood pressure. The Chairman, Jagdeep Dhankhar, assured that all necessary arrangements had been made for her and suspended the working of the House. However, the opposition was not satisfied and continued to chant slogans. They eventually walked out, joined by members of the Biju Janta Dal.

Dhankhar expressed his disappointment with the current situation, particularly the behavior of Leader of Opposition Mallikarjun Kharge. He was shocked to see Kharge, with over five decades of Parliamentary experience, enter the Well of the House to protest. Dhankhar also mentioned that other leaders from the party, such as Pramod Tiwari and Mukul Wasnik, had also joined Kharge in the Well. This behavior was unexpected and unbecoming of leaders who are expected to set an example for others to follow.

The Chairman also mentioned that Kharge had misreported and misrepresented the events that had taken place. His statement on Twitter was self-contradictory, as he first denied entering the Well and then went on to justify his actions. Dhankhar felt that this tarnished the image of the institution and was a grave disrespect to the temple of democracy. As the custodians of order, such behavior was unfortunate and unacceptable.

Before this incident, the Rajya Sabha had been adjourned for the third time at 2:20 pm for 10 minutes due to the continuous sloganeering by the opposition. When the House reconvened at 2 pm, BJP leader Sudhanshu Trivedi, who was leading the discussion on the Motion of Thanks, was repeatedly interrupted by opposition members. Despite this, he managed to complete his speech.

Meanwhile, Congress leader Renuka Chowdhury expressed her disappointment with the lack of decorum and empathy in the House. She also criticized the decision to continue the House proceedings amidst such chaos.

Around 3 pm, Dhankhar provided an update on Netam's health, stating that she was recovering and would be monitored for a few more hours. He had received this information from the hospital and the deputy leader of the House. Despite the walkout by the opposition, the Rajya Sabha continued with the discussion on the Motion of Thanks. BJP members Rakesh Sinha, Krishan Lal Panwar, and Bhim Singh joined in and raised important points regarding the protection of the Constitution and reservation. Singh also pointed out the contradictory stance of the Congress, as former Prime Minister Rajeev Gandhi had opposed the implementation of reservation while his son Rahul Gandhi now speaks in favor of it.

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