Rainbow Six Siege X is an evolved version of the game, rather than a direct sequel, according to Ubisoft.

Ubisoft plans for next 10 years of Rainbow Six Siege, no sequel in sight.

February 17th 2025.

Rainbow Six Siege X is an evolved version of the game, rather than a direct sequel, according to Ubisoft.
There's exciting news for fans of Rainbow Six Siege - the game will continue as normal for at least the next five years! However, there may not be a Rainbow Six Siege 2 in the traditional sense. Instead, Ubisoft has revealed plans for the next decade of the game's development.

Ubisoft's focus on live service games has been met with some skepticism, especially in light of some recent setbacks. Games like Skull and Bones and XDefiant didn't quite meet expectations, and even a planned spin-off for The Division was cancelled. But amidst these challenges, Ubisoft is determined to revitalize one of their most successful live service games - Rainbow Six Siege.

After a decade of success, Rainbow Six Siege is ready for a major evolution. This announcement came during the Six Invitational 2025 esports competition, where creative director Alex Karpazis and game director Joshua Mills took to the stage to reveal the game's future plans. While there were initial rumors of a Rainbow Six Siege 2, it turns out that the new installment will be called Siege X and will serve as the foundation for the game's development for the next ten years.

But before fans get too excited, Mills made it clear that Siege X is not a sequel or just another update. This is a major evolution that will bring significant graphical and audio upgrades, enhanced gameplay, and new ways to enjoy the game. However, the core of what makes Siege so special will remain intact.

Some may compare this to the release of Counter-Strike 2, but it's actually quite different. Ubisoft has previously stated that there would never be a sequel to Siege, and they are sticking to that promise. Karpazis explained that switching engines for a game like Siege would not meet the demands of its competitive nature. Other games that have gone through sequels have often faced challenges trying to remake everything from the first game, a fate that Ubisoft hopes to avoid.

According to dataminer firaxiswinning, Siege X has been in the works for several years now, so this was not a spur-of-the-moment decision. This is promising news, as it suggests that the team has learned from the mistakes of other games that have faced backlash for their sequel releases.

While there is no set release date for Siege X, it's safe to say that it won't be arriving until at least 2026. In the meantime, fans can look forward to a three-hour livestream on March 13th, where more details will be revealed.

Siege X may be the game-changer that Ubisoft needs, but it's not their only focus. They are also continuing to push out more open-world games, with high hopes for upcoming releases like Assassin's Creed Shadows and possibly Far Cry 7.

We can't help but wonder if Ubisoft took naming advice from Elon Musk, but either way, we're excited to see what the future holds for Rainbow Six Siege. As always, we welcome your thoughts and comments on this news. You can also follow us on Twitter and sign up for our newsletter to stay updated on all things gaming. And for a convenient way to submit letters and features to us, check out our Submit Stuff page.

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