Radio host on BBC Radio 1 accidentally makes inappropriate comment while playing Lizzo song.


September 25th 2024.

Radio host on BBC Radio 1 accidentally makes inappropriate comment while playing Lizzo song.
Let me tell you about a recent incident that happened on live television. It involved a BBC presenter who found himself in a bit of a sticky situation after accidentally making an X-rated gaffe. It all went down during the weekend on BBC Radio 1's weekend breakfast show, when host Sam MacGregor was wrapping up Lizzo's hit song "Juice."

As the song was fading out, Sam made a slip of the tongue and instead of saying "Juice," he said "Jizzo!" Realizing his mistake, he quickly corrected himself while his co-host Danni Diston couldn't hold back her laughter. Trying to recover from the blunder, Sam apologized and attempted to say the correct word again. But, unfortunately for him, the moment was captured and shared on social media, bringing attention to his little mistake.

Some viewers found the incident quite amusing, with one person sharing the video clip and jokingly saying, "Don't worry, nobody noticed." Another person commented, "That's the highlight of my day!" Even Sam himself made light of the situation and posted on social media that he would be practicing to make sure it doesn't happen again. "L for Lizzo, J for Juice, L for Lizzo, J for Juice, L for Lizzo, J for Juice..." he joked.

But, Sam is not the only presenter who has been caught off guard on live television. Earlier this year, Roger Johnson from North West Tonight had a similar slip-up when he accidentally said a four-letter word while talking about the world's largest cuckoo clock. He quickly corrected himself and made a joke about it, saying, "That was easy to say." Just to be safe, he clarified later on that he meant to say "clock collection."

And it's not just presenters from the BBC who have had their fair share of on-air blunders. Kanoa Lloyd, a presenter from The Project New Zealand, also had a moment of embarrassment when she mispronounced "comeback" while reporting on the reintroduction of three Cadbury Roses flavors. Instead, she accidentally said "c**box," which caused her and the entire panel to burst into laughter.

So, it's safe to say that slip-ups happen to the best of us, even on live television. And in the end, as long as we can laugh at ourselves and learn from our mistakes, it's all good. After all, we think Lizzo would have found the whole situation "good as hell." And if you have any similar stories or gaffes to share, the entertainment team at The Agency would love to hear from you. Just email us, call us, or visit our Submit Stuff page.

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