Rachel Stevens from S Club shares scary memory of intruder who threatened to harm her.

She startles easily when someone knocks on her door.

July 11th 2024.

Rachel Stevens from S Club shares scary memory of intruder who threatened to harm her.
Rachel Stevens, a well-known member of the pop group S Club, was left traumatized after a terrifying experience in her own home. It was 2009, and Rachel had just returned from a shopping trip to her flat in Primrose Hill. Little did she know, a group of masked men had broken in and were waiting for her.

As she entered her home, she was suddenly attacked by one of the men, who pushed her down the stairs and held her by the throat. Rachel was in shock and fear as the man threatened to break her neck if she made a sound. He then proceeded to steal her valuable possessions, including her diamond necklace and Rolex watch.

This terrifying incident left Rachel with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). It was even more difficult for her as it happened just months after her successful stint on Strictly Come Dancing, where she came in second place. The attack had a lasting impact on her, as even now, 15 years later, she still gets anxious and startled when someone bumps into her unexpectedly.

Rachel shared her horrific experience with The Times, revealing that two other men also entered her home and stole more of her belongings before fleeing. Fortunately, the culprits were caught, and it was discovered that they had targeted other well-known individuals in the area.

But the trauma didn't end there for Rachel. Just weeks later, she was caught up in a terrifying shooting at a restaurant in St John's Wood. This was brought up in court when she faced a driving ban, and she admitted that the two incidents had caused her a lot of post-traumatic stress.

The pop star, who had just recently started her solo career, was also dealing with another attack that left her fearful to even leave her house. She was constantly on edge and avoided taking the Tube or being alone in a car with strangers. It was a difficult time for Rachel, who was also going through a messy breakup with her partner of 13 years, Alex Bourne.

Now, Rachel is in a better place, living in North London and house hunting with her partner Brendyn Hatfield, who she met on Dancing on Ice. She is also a proud mother to two daughters and is slowly moving on from the traumatic events of the past. If you have a celebrity story, video, or pictures, please get in touch with our entertainment team – we would love to hear from you.

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