Quit Facebook to boost mood, but it could lead to less understanding of politics.

A recent study found unexpected findings about social media during a high-profile election.

October 9th 2024.

Quit Facebook to boost mood, but it could lead to less understanding of politics.
Social media has gained a reputation for being a breeding ground for false information, misleading content, and what is commonly referred to as "fake news". However, a recent study conducted in France suggests that despite this, it may actually contribute to keeping us more informed overall.

The study, conducted during the 2022 French presidential election, involved 1117 participants who were asked to deactivate their Facebook accounts. The team of researchers from the Centre for Political Research at Sciences Po then surveyed these individuals about their mood, well-being, level of political knowledge, and degree of political and social polarization during the election. The results were then compared to those of 1129 participants who did not deactivate their accounts.

While the group without Facebook reported slightly higher levels of well-being, including increased feelings of joy and fulfillment, there was also a downside. This same group showed a lower level of political awareness, not just based on their own estimation. The researchers tested both groups with a series of headlines - half of which were taken from verified news sources, and the other half were "plausible" but false.

Interestingly, those who had remained active on Facebook were more capable of identifying political falsehoods. However, both groups were equally skilled at recognizing real headlines related to entertainment and sports. The researchers concluded that this suggests Facebook plays a crucial role in connecting individuals with political news that they may not seek out on their own, through posts from friends or shared articles, for example.

However, the study also found that despite a third part of the experiment involving messages encouraging some participants to be "more informed, civil, and open-minded", the polarization and political division within both groups did not decrease. This highlights the potential limitations of social media in promoting political unity and understanding.

In conclusion, social media may have its flaws and drawbacks, but it also has the ability to keep us more informed about important political news. It allows us to access information that we may not actively seek out and can improve our ability to spot false information. However, it is important to be aware of its limitations and the potential for it to contribute to political polarization and division.

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