Quick tips to lower your energy bills during the winter season.

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September 22nd 2024.

Quick tips to lower your energy bills during the winter season.
As the temperatures begin to drop across the UK, it's important to make sure your boiler is in good working order before winter arrives. With the heating season upon us, it's natural to want to turn on the heat, but doing so can lead to higher bills at the end of each month. In today's world, where the cost of living continues to rise, it's more important than ever to save money wherever we can.

That's why it's worth taking some time to make some important checks on your boiler and other appliances before you switch on the radiators this winter. Not only will this potentially save you money on your bills, but it will also give you peace of mind knowing that your heating system is in good shape. So, what exactly should you do before turning on the heating?

First and foremost, it's important to have your boiler serviced regularly. As Andy Kerr, the founder of boiler experts BOXT, explains, "Your boiler should be serviced every 12 months, even if there are no warning signs." This not only helps keep your boiler in top condition, but it also ensures that your manufacturer's warranty remains valid. While it may seem urgent to check your boiler in the winter when it's being used the most, it's easy to forget about it once the warmer weather arrives. That's why it's best to schedule a routine service in the summer or early autumn, before the busy winter season for engineers.

Another important step is to bleed your radiators. This process releases trapped air from the radiators, making your boiler more efficient and potentially lowering your bill. Trapped air can also cause cold spots and inefficient heating. This may seem like a simple task, but after months of inactivity during the summer, it's possible for air to build up in your radiators. As Andy Kerr explains, "To prevent this, you should bleed your radiators at least once a year to check for any cold spots and ensure your heating will work properly when you turn it on."

Other checks to consider include checking the temperature of your water and adjusting it to a lower setting to save money, as well as checking your thermostat to make sure it's set to the correct temperature. You may also want to invest in a smart thermostat that can be controlled from your phone for added convenience. Additionally, make sure to check the condition of your pilot light, radiators, and electrics to ensure they are all in good working order.

By taking these steps before the colder weather hits, you can avoid potential issues and save money on your energy bills. As Andy Kerr suggests, "Take some time to replace and clean any filters, vents, or ducts to ensure that airflow is not obstructed. Doing so will reduce the strain on your heating system and save you from unnecessarily high energy bills." It's also a good idea to check the insulation in your home, such as around windows, doorframes, and any cracks that may be letting cold air in.

In conclusion, make sure to have your boiler serviced, bleed your radiators, check your water temperature and thermostat, and ensure all other components are in good working order before turning on the heating this winter. By following these steps, you can save money and keep your home warm and comfortable. Share your thoughts and experiences in the comments below.

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