Putin shows off strength with nuclear missile tests.

Russia is checking nuclear missile preparedness amid rising tensions with the West.

October 18th 2024.

Putin shows off strength with nuclear missile tests.
Russia is currently conducting tests on a unit equipped with powerful ballistic missiles, capable of carrying nuclear warheads. These tests are being carried out just outside of Moscow, as tensions between Russia and the West continue to simmer. The missiles, known as Yars, have a range of over 6,000 miles and can be deployed from both silos and mobile launchers.

This is not the first time Russia has flexed its nuclear capabilities this year. In fact, it has already conducted multiple drills, which some experts believe are intended to deter Western intervention in the ongoing conflict in Ukraine. These drills have coincided with NATO's annual nuclear exercise and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskiy's unveiling of his "victory plan."

Russian President Vladimir Putin has also made statements about the country's willingness to use nuclear weapons, even lowering the threshold for their use. This has caused Ukraine to accuse Russia of nuclear blackmail. The current tests are taking place in the same week as NATO's annual nuclear exercise, raising concerns about further escalation.

Russia has previously conducted two rounds of exercises involving Yars missile units in July, and has also held three sets of drills to test the launch of tactical nuclear missiles with a shorter range. However, Putin has repeatedly stated that Russia does not need to use nuclear weapons to achieve victory in Ukraine, despite having the world's largest nuclear arsenal.

Some analysts have warned that if tensions continue to escalate, Putin may resort to resuming nuclear tests in Russia to demonstrate intent. In the past, he has even suggested arming Western enemies with weapons capable of striking Western targets, or deploying conventional missiles within striking distance of the US and its European allies.

Ulrich Kuehn, an arms expert, believes that Putin may use nuclear tests as a way to intimidate the West. He warns that this would be a dramatic escalation of the conflict, and questions what options Putin would have left if the West continues to provoke Russia.

It is important to note that nuclear tests have not been conducted on Russian soil since 1990, right before the collapse of the Soviet Union. However, with tensions rising and threats being made, it remains to be seen how the situation will unfold.

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