Putin's secret troops engage in sick 'blood ritual' aimed at killing innocent people.

Senezh is causing devastation and loss of life in Ukraine's border regions.

September 21st 2024.

Putin's secret troops engage in sick 'blood ritual' aimed at killing innocent people.
The actions of the Kremlin's special forces units have been severely condemned as they have been implicated in committing war crimes against innocent civilians in the border regions of Ukraine. These disturbing reports reveal that the Russian soldiers have been mercilessly targeting Ukrainian vehicles and individuals with gunfire, causing immense destruction and devastation. However, this is only the tip of the iceberg as a deeper, darker truth lies beneath the flashy videos and images that portray the elite and well-equipped image of these soldiers.

According to a thorough investigation conducted by the Molfar open-source intelligence agency, the notorious 'Senezh' fighters are not only responsible for carrying out sabotage and reconnaissance missions, but also for committing heinous atrocities, including the murder of civilians, in the north-eastern regions of Ukraine. It is believed that this special unit follows a 'blood ritual' where junior members are required to bring back the body of a dead enemy soldier, or if that is not possible, a civilian. This is a clear indication of their barbaric and ruthless approach towards their targets.

Although Senezh is officially tasked with conducting anti-sabotage operations and protecting the border areas, it is the innocent civilians who have been the primary victims of their brutal attacks. As per the findings of the Molfar agency, the majority of the victims in the border regions are civilians, who have been caught in the crossfire of Putin's full-scale invasion of Ukraine. Shocking footage from the military operations of Senezh and another special forces unit, named Kubinka-2, has been widely circulated on various online platforms. These videos showcase the soldiers carrying out surgical strikes, night missions, and even using FPV drones, highlighting their supposed battlefield prowess.

The founder and CEO of Molfar, Artem Starosiek, revealed that their investigation into Senezh began a year ago when they stumbled upon a video of the unit taking part in high-level military operations. As they dug deeper, they uncovered a disturbing pattern of civilians being killed in the same regions where Senezh was operating. In collaboration with Ukrainian intelligence, Molfar has gathered evidence of civilians being targeted and killed by Senezh, including a milk cart driver who was caught in the crossfire of an FPV drone and gunfire.

The unit was initially deployed to the border regions of Kharkiv and Sumy oblasts at the start of Putin's invasion of Ukraine. However, it was later relocated to Russia's Belgorod region in 2023 due to increased partisan activity in the area. This move further raised suspicions of their involvement in the war crimes committed against civilians in these volatile areas. Testimonies from Ukrainian residents living in the line of fire have also been collected by Molfar, providing a harrowing account of the devastating impact of these attacks on innocent lives.

One such resident, Valentyna, shared her heart-wrenching story of losing her husband in an attack by the Kremlin's forces on January 10 this year. She recounted how her husband had left to take their son to the hospital, but he never returned. His car was found completely riddled with bullets, leaving no trace of any living being. Valentyna, who now lives alone, is convinced that it was the indiscriminate shelling and cross-border raids by Russian forces that took her husband's life. This sentiment is shared by many other victims and their families who have fallen prey to the brutal tactics of Senezh.

The evidence collected by Molfar also includes images of civilian vehicles that have been shot up, consistent with the terrain and type of ambush that Senezh has made public in their videos. These revelations paint a grim picture of the actions of Russian special forces, who may portray themselves as elite soldiers but have been linked to the cold-blooded killing of innocent Ukrainian civilians in the border areas. It is high time for the international community to take action and hold these soldiers accountable for their war crimes, ensuring justice for the victims and their families.
In recent years, the world has been appalled by the actions of the Kremlin's special forces units in Ukraine's north-eastern border regions. These elite fighters, known as Vladimir Putin's 'Senezh' fighters, have been caught on camera committing heinous war crimes against innocent civilians. The shocking footage shows them ruthlessly hosing down Ukrainian vehicles with bullets, leaving a trail of destruction and devastation in their wake.

But this is just the tip of the iceberg. Behind the flashy videos and carefully crafted image of an elite and well-equipped unit, lies a much darker truth. According to an investigation by the Molfar open-source intelligence agency, Senezh has a long list of atrocities to their name. They have been accused of committing war crimes, including the murder of civilians, in the north-eastern regions of Ukraine, close to the border with Russia.

One of the most disturbing aspects of Senezh's operations is their alleged 'blood ritual'. It is believed that junior members of the unit are required to bring back the body of an enemy soldier, or failing that, a civilian. This gruesome practice speaks to the brutal and callous nature of these fighters, who are recruited from special forces and intelligence units.

While Senezh claims to be focused on sabotage and reconnaissance, it appears that civilians in the border areas are their most common targets. This is especially concerning given Putin's full-scale invasion of Ukraine. The researchers at Molfar have gathered evidence that links Senezh to the deaths of innocent civilians in the Sumy and Kharkiv regions. They have also uncovered footage of the unit's military operations, where they can be seen ambushing Ukrainian targets and dragging lifeless bodies from bullet-riddled vehicles.

But this is not just a case of a few rogue soldiers. Molfar's founder and CEO, Artem Starosiek, explains that their investigation began a year ago when they stumbled upon a video of Senezh on a Russian Telegram channel. As they dug deeper, they discovered a pattern of civilian deaths in the same areas where Senezh was operating. Their research included documenting cases of civilians being killed by FPV drones and gunfire.

Senezh was first deployed to the border of the Kharkiv and Sumy oblasts in the early days of Putin's invasion of Ukraine. But as the conflict intensified, they were moved to Russia's Belgorod region in 2023. The analysts at Molfar believe that this was due to increased partisan activity in the area. While the unit was officially tasked with conducting anti-sabotage operations and protecting the border, there are strong indications that they were involved in war crimes against innocent civilians.

Molfar has also gathered testimony from Ukrainian residents living in the crosshairs of Russia's aerial bombardment and cross-border raids. One woman, who wished to remain anonymous, shared her heartbreaking story of losing her husband in an attack by the Kremlin's forces. She recalls waiting for him to return home from taking their son to the hospital, only to receive the devastating news that he had been killed in an ambush. She believes that the Russian forces are responsible for her husband's death.

The evidence collected by Molfar includes pictures of civilian vehicles that have been shot up, which are consistent with the type of ambushes that Senezh has made public in their videos. It is clear that while they may portray themselves as elite soldiers, they are in fact responsible for the killing of innocent civilians in Ukraine's border areas. This is a grave violation of human rights and must be condemned by the international community.

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