"Putin's right-hand man is now a biker known as The Surgeon from the Night Wolves club."

Putin invited his controversial friend, The Surgeon, who is known for wearing leather, to his event.

May 7th 2024.

As Vladimir Putin was sworn in for his fifth term as President of Russia, he was joined by a diverse group of guests at the elaborate ceremony. However, some countries, including the United States, chose to boycott the event due to the ongoing conflict in Ukraine. Despite criticism of his authoritarian tactics, many guests were still eager to be seen with the 71-year-old leader.

Among the hand-picked guests were Hollywood actor Steven Seagal and Alexander Zaldostanov, also known as "The Surgeon." Zaldostanov, the leader of the Night Wolves biker club, is a strong supporter of Putin and his pro-Kremlin views. However, he is also known for his homophobic beliefs and admiration for the ruthless Soviet leader Joseph Stalin.

Zaldostanov and the Night Wolves are a common sight at patriotic events in Russia, such as the May 9 Victory Day celebrations. The biker leader is a close friend of Putin's, with their bromance dating back to 2009. In fact, Putin even awarded Zaldostanov the prestigious Order of Honour state medal, solidifying their friendship and emboldening the biker gang as the president's unofficial henchmen.

However, their friendship and support of Russia's actions in Ukraine have also landed Zaldostanov and the Night Wolves on the Western sanctions list. Nevertheless, the biker gang remains a significant presence in Russia, with over 45 chapters across Europe and Australia.

The Night Wolves, formed in the late 1980s, have become one of the largest and most infamous motorcycle clubs in Russia. They have gained notoriety for their involvement in the 2014 war in Ukraine, where they joined pro-Russian militia in the east of the country. The group has also reportedly received millions of pounds in funding from the Kremlin.

In fact, the Rolling Stones even referred to the Night Wolves as "Putin's Angels." Zaldostanov earned his nickname, "The Surgeon," after training as a doctor specializing in post-traumatic face surgery in Soviet Moscow. However, he eventually left his medical career to become a full-time biker.

In an interview with The Telegraph, Zaldostanov hinted that he may have even influenced Putin's decision to annex Crimea. He claimed to have gifted the president with letters, photos, and calendars from the region every time they met. This close relationship between Putin and the Night Wolves has also led to the gang being dubbed as his "friends."

But Zaldostanov is not the only controversial character in Putin's inner circle. The president is known for surrounding himself with individuals like Seagal, French actor Gerard Depardieu, and the Chechen leader Ramzan Kadyrov, who is often referred to as Putin's "attack dog."

In fact, Putin was pictured riding a Harley-Davidson trike, the Night Wolves' preferred choice of bike, with Zaldostanov and other members of the gang in Crimea in 2019 to celebrate their anniversary. Despite not wearing a helmet, the president looked right at home in his black leather jacket and tight jeans.

However, there have been recent rumors circulating about Kadyrov's health, with some claiming he has terminal pancreatic cancer. These rumors were fueled by his slow and unsteady entrance to the inauguration ceremony, where he required assistance from two aides to remove his coat and climb the stairs.

Regardless, Putin's landslide victory in the 2020 election, which was deemed a "sham" due to the barring of opposition candidates and the death of Kremlin critic Alexei Navalny, has enabled him to remain in power until 2036. This is thanks to constitutional changes introduced that allow him to seek two further six-year terms.

Meanwhile, the devastating war in Ukraine has continued to escalate, with both Russian and Ukrainian troops suffering losses. In fact, just recently, Ukrainian troops wiped out 100 Russian soldiers, further intensifying the conflict that began in February 2022 after a full-scale Russian invasion.

Despite criticism and controversy, Putin remains the second longest-serving leader in Russian history, second only to Stalin, who led the country from 1922 to 1953. And as he begins his next six years in office, it is clear that he will continue to surround himself with powerful and controversial figures, much like Zaldostanov and the Night Wolves. Follow us on WhatsApp to stay updated with the latest news from Metro.

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