Putin is willing to launch a small attack on Nato countries to test the response of the West.

The safety of Estonia and the Baltics may be in danger.

May 8th 2024.

Putin is willing to launch a small attack on Nato countries to test the response of the West.
According to the top spymaster of Poland, Jarosław Stróżyk, it seems that Vladimir Putin has his eyes set on carrying out a "mini-invasion" of a NATO country. This move, as revealed by Stróżyk, is a tactic to gauge the West's response and test their resolve. Apparently, the Kremlin has its sights set on annexing portions of Estonia and Sweden, with a larger plan of taking over the Baltic states if Ukraine falls.

In an interview with Polish outlet Dziennik Gazeta Prawna, Stróżyk stated, "Putin is most likely gearing up for a small-scale operation against one of the Baltic countries, perhaps even attempting to seize the famous Narva municipality in Estonia or landing on one of the Swedish islands." However, Stróżyk also mentioned that the West's continued support for Ukraine has put a temporary hold on Putin's imperialistic ambitions, which have been stronger than initially anticipated.

Polish President Andrzej Duda has also expressed concern and has declared that his country is preparing for war. He further added, "The collective effort of the West to support Ukraine is a clear message to Putin that any attack on NATO would result in a swift and significant response from the Western allies."

Recent developments have seen several European countries issuing warnings about Putin's increased aggression, with NATO members taking necessary precautions for the next phase of the conflict. In fact, Poland has already declared its willingness to host nuclear weapons on its borders, as Russia continues to relocate parts of its nuclear arsenal to neighboring Belarus and fortify Kaliningrad, a Russian exclave situated between Lithuania and Poland.

President Duda stated, "Russia has been heavily militarizing Kaliningrad, and there have been recent reports of them moving their nuclear weapons to Belarus." He also mentioned that if their allies decide to deploy nuclear arms as part of NATO's nuclear sharing program to strengthen the Eastern flank, Poland is ready to do the same. "I have talked about this several times, and I must admit that we are prepared for it," added President Duda.

Meanwhile, Belarusian President and Putin's close ally, Aleksandr Lukashenko, has issued a grave warning about the escalating conflict, stating that it could result in a "nuclear apocalypse." Both Russian and Belarusian troops have been stationed on Belarus' borders since the start of the Ukraine conflict, and Lukashenko recently stated that his men could reach the Polish border within a few hours if the situation escalates.

"From Vitebsk, we have deployed a few battalions, and we are now standing face-to-face with NATO. These battalions are fully operational, with a readiness of only three hours from their deployment," said President Lukashenko, emphasizing the seriousness of the situation. "In just three hours, we will be at the border," he added.

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