Putin criticized LGBTQ+ rights as being "unacceptable" and a part of "corrupt Western values."

The West has declared certain practices, such as paedophilia, to be wrong.

February 21st 2023.

Putin criticized LGBTQ+ rights as being

(Image Source: https://metro.co.uk)

During his address, Vladimir Putin expressed his concern that corrupt Western values, such as marriage equality, are an almost existential threat to Russia. He continued to state that while adults have the right to live their lives how they choose, he believes the sacred texts of any religion set family as a union between a man and a woman. He also mentioned that the Anglican Church is considering the concept of a gender-neutral God, to which he expressed his disbelief.

(Image Source: https://metro.co.uk)

During his state-of-the-nation address, Vladimir Putin denounced the 'corrupt Western values' of marriage equality, calling it a 'perversion'. He also ridiculed media reports about the Church of England possibly using gender-neutral terms for God. The Russian president stated that 'family means a union between a man and a woman' and that 'sacred texts are subjected to doubt'.

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