"Putin could set off nuclear bombs on his territory to demonstrate his seriousness to the international community."

Everything is ready and prepared by them.

September 14th 2024.

The tension between Russia and the West continues to escalate as analysts warn that Russian President Vladimir Putin may resume nuclear tests if provoked further. This comes after a meeting between UK Prime Minister Keir Starmer and US President Joe Biden in Washington on Friday to discuss the possibility of allowing Ukraine to use long-range missiles against Russian targets.

During a broadcast on state television, Putin issued a stern warning to the West, stating that if Ukraine were to use these missiles on Russian soil, it would mean that the US, European countries, and NATO would be at war with Russia. This would significantly change the nature of the conflict and could potentially lead to further escalation.

Ukraine has been pushing for Western leaders to give them permission to use long-range missiles, which would have a much deeper reach into Russia than their current arsenal. In June, Putin even suggested that he could potentially arm the enemies of the West with weapons that could strike targets abroad or deploy conventional missiles near the US and its allies.

Some experts believe that Putin may resort to conducting nuclear tests to send a strong message to the West and intimidate them. Ulrich Kuehn from the Institute for Peace Research and Security Policy in Hamburg said that this would be a dramatic escalation of the conflict. He also questioned what other options Putin would have if the West continues to provoke him.

It's worth noting that Russia has not conducted nuclear tests on its soil since 1990, just before the collapse of the Soviet Union. Gerhard Mangott, a security specialist at the University of Innsbruck, believes that it's possible but unlikely that Russia's response could involve nuclear attacks. He also mentioned that Russia is in the process of revising its nuclear doctrine, which outlines the circumstances in which they would use nuclear weapons.

During a UN Security Council meeting, Russia's UN ambassador Vassily Nebenzia warned that if NATO were to allow Ukraine to use longer-range weapons against Russia, they would be directly involved in hostilities against a nuclear power. He urged the West to consider the consequences before making any decisions.

In the end, it remains to be seen how the situation will unfold, but one thing is certain – any further aggravation between Russia and the West could have severe consequences.

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