Protestors cause chaos by dumping maggots at hotel during Netanyahu's US visit, where he defends the Gaza War.

Protestors disrupted Netanyahu's speech to US lawmakers defending the Gaza War.

July 24th 2024.

Protestors cause chaos by dumping maggots at hotel during Netanyahu's US visit, where he defends the Gaza War.
The night before Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu was scheduled to address Congress, a group of anti-Israel protestors caused chaos at a US hotel. The group, known as the Palestinian Youth Movement's DMV chapter, shared a video on social media showing a disturbing scene at the famous Watergate Hotel. On a table in the video, a pile of wriggling maggots could be seen, and the caption read, "BON APPETIT!! MAGGOTS RELEASED ON THE CRIMINAL ZIONIST'S WAR TABLE!"

According to the protestors, this was their way of protesting against Netanyahu's defense of the Gaza War, which he was expected to speak about during his address to Congress. They claimed responsibility for the unsettling act, stating that they wanted to disrupt the peace of Netanyahu and those accompanying him at the hotel. The group even went as far as calling the protestors outside the Capitol "Iran's useful idiots."

As Netanyahu began his speech, he wasted no time in passionately defending the Gaza War, which he referred to as a "clash between barbarism and civilization." He made it clear that Israel would not settle for anything less than victory in the conflict. Despite this strong stance, he did not mention any plans for a cease-fire. However, he did mention a potential deal between Israel and Hamas, stating that the conflict could end if Hamas surrendered, returned hostages, and disarmed.

Netanyahu also spoke about the aftermath of the war and how a "new Gaza" could emerge once Israel defeated Hamas. He assured the audience that Israel had no plans to resettle Gaza. While the Prime Minister delivered his speech inside, chaos erupted outside as Capitol Police had to use pepper spray on some of the protestors.

The agency released a statement explaining the situation, saying that the crowd had become violent and refused to comply with their orders to move back. They were forced to use pepper spray on anyone who tried to break the law and cross their police line. The chaos continued as some protestors set fire to an effigy of Netanyahu and sprayed graffiti protesting the war on a bell outside Union Station. The Palestine flag was also raised on a pole, making a bold statement against the ongoing conflict.

Overall, it was a tense and chaotic night as both sides made their voices heard in their own way. While Netanyahu defended his actions in the Gaza War, the protestors made it clear that they were not backing down in their fight against Israel. The release of maggots at the Watergate Hotel was just one of the many ways they chose to make their point.

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